During this trip Bethany got sick
What is Yellowstone
We set our record with
What is pizza
A comedy on CBS
What is the Neighborhood
the person made wedding plans at a young age
Who is Bethany
A name from this place is Alexandria
What is Ancient Greece
Included a stop to the Mall of America
What is the trip to Ohio
It is an Irish dish
What is Shepherds pie
Follows a Catholic family
What is Blue Bloods
This person took the test to begin lifeguarding training
Who is Hannah
A name in this group is Joseph
What is Hebrew
The hotel had palm trees
What is the Fountaine Bleau
This is one of Lexie's earliest recipes
What are Chicken backed tacos
The main character is named Annie
What is Covert Affairs
This person fell asleep during class
Who is Dad
A name in this group is Daniel
What is Hebrew
Lexie got her nails done!
What is Lexie's wedding
It is eaten on holidays
what are cheesy potato's
Geniuses need assistance
What is Scorpion
This person drank from a chocolate fountain at a graduation party
Who is Lexie
A name from this language is Bethany
This water was fresh
What are the fairy pools
This is Bethany's favorite ingredient
What is vinegar
Dad has a unique admiration
What is Alias
This person enjoys doing imitations
Who is Dixie
A name from hear is Jennifer
What is Welsh