Risk Factors 1
Risk Factors 2
Risk Factors 3
Risk Factors 4
Risk Factors 5

English is not the primary language. This is not due
to a disability. 

Primary caregiver does not speak English & needs an interpreter


Primary or secondary caregiver has reading difficulties in their native language.

Reading difficulties of parent or guardian


English is not the primary language. This is not due to a disability or developmental delay.

Child does not speak English


Child is cared for away from home for 8 hours or more.

In child care 8 or more hours daily with someone other than parent


younger than 18 years old when HS applicant was born. 

Teen parent


Primary or secondary caregiver is not living in the home due to serving on active duty.

Current military deployment


Family living address is in Heber or Nephi. 

Limited access to community resources (Living in Heber or Nephi)


Primary or secondary adult was deported or held for deportation for 30 or more days within the last 2 years. 

Deportation of parent/guardian


A family member other than primary caregiver that lived in the home or was close to the child and passed away within the last 2 years.

Death of an immediate family member other than primary caregiver


Child has cavities, nutrition concerns such as food allergies, vision, food scarcity, or other health concerns such as Diabetes, or Asthma and child is not under the care of a health professional.

Child has unaddressed health concerns


Family member other than parent/guardian is diagnosed with a disability, serious illness, terminal illness, or mental health diagnosis. 

Health/mental health condition of immediate family member


Family address is in Juab or Wasatch county but outside of Nephi or Heber

Limited access to community resources


primary or secondary adult was incarcerated since the birth of the child for a period of 30 days or more (not including held for deportation captured in Tier C). 

Previous incarceration of parent/guardian


Mother used alcohol, tobacco or other harmful substance while pregnant with applicant child. 

Child was exposed to substance abuse in utero


Primary caregiver at time of application is in any of these marital statuses and without a partner. 

Single parent, divorce or separation


Developmental, social/emotional, behavioral needs suspected by parent or referred to us by another agency that may impacts the child’s ability to learn. This does not include: Diabetes, Asthma, heart conditions, or Food Allergies. Also applies to children who have an IEP or IFSP that needs to be reviewed by DMHC.

Suspected health/mental health condition, disability/developmental concern or behavioral concern


Primary or secondary caregiver is diagnosed with a disability or serious illness, other than mental health, captured in Tier E. 

Diagnosed disabling health condition of parent/guardian that is NOT life threatening (not mental health related)


Primary or secondary caregiver is diagnosed with a terminal illness. 

Diagnosed life-threatening health condition of parent/guardian (not mental health related)


Primary or secondary caregiver experienced abuse or neglect in their childhood or adult home. 

Family history of chronic abuse, neglect or domestic violence


Primary or secondary caregiver has a condition that requires medical attention or prevents independent living such as diagnosed severe depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, etc. 

Mental health condition of parent/guardian


Child lives with grandparents, other relatives or friends WITH legal custody or guardianship. This does not include Foster or kinship placement.

Child living with legal guardian other than biological parent


Child lives with or in the past has lived with grandparents or other relatives or friends with only a verbal or written custody/care statement from parents WITHOUT legal custody or guardianship. 

History of child not living with biological parent(s) or currently living with someone other than a legal guardian


Parent(s) entered the US with a status of refugee or asylum or are in the process of applying for refugee or asylum status. 

First generation refugees or displaced citizens of another country


Applying child was in an Early Head Start or Head Start program including MHS. This does not include children who were enrolled in an Early Intervention Program like Provo Early Intervention Program (PEIP), Kids Who Count, etc. 

Transitioning from EHS/returning HS child


Points are awarded by DMHC only.

IEP or Diagnosed health/mental health condition