In the famous battle of David vs. Goliath what did David use to defeat his giant opponent?
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Bapptist
Of Jesus's twelve Apostles, which one betrayed him?
In the Bible, how is Eve created?
She came from Adam's rib
In the Bible, which deceptive creature is a trickster in the Garden of Eden?
In the Bible, the Book of Exodus tells the story of what people?
The Israelites
What are the 4 Gospels of the New Testament?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
How many days did Jesus fast for after he was baptized?
40 days
Who is known as the Mother of God?
The very last word that appears in the Bible is???
Name the oldest book in the Bible.
How many books make up the New Testament?
According to the Bible, where was Jesus's childhood home?
Sarah offered who to Abraham to bear children
Which day did God create the sun, the moon, and the stars?
Day 4
How many brothers did Joseph have?
Who sentenced Jesus which lead to his crucifixion?
Pontius Pilate
Jesus was baptized in what river?
Jordan River
Which Queen visited Solomon in I Kings 10:1-13?
Queen of Sheba
Finish the Bible verse, "Love is Patient Love is ...?
Who are the major prophets in the Old Testament?
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel
Where was Jesus crucified?
In Christian tradition, what 3 gifts were given to Jesus at his birth by the three wise men?
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
Which woman lead to the downfall of Samson?
What is known as the set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship?
The 10 Commandments