The number of habits for kids we learned
What is seven habits?
Fun fact: The book was drawn by Sean Covey
Name three different types of bible versions
The number of books in the Bible
What is 66 books?
Fun Fact: The first chapter to include the word love was Genesis 22.
The city where Jesus was born
Where is Bethlehem?
What is 7 days?
Name 5 of the habits for kids
What is Be Proactive, Begin With the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw?
The 5W + 1 H observation strategy.
What is who, what, when, where, why, and how?
The original language the Bible was written in.
What is Hebrew and Greek?
The trinity
What is God the Father, God the Son(Jesus), and the Holy Spirit?
The point of prayer
What is speaking to God?
The most important thing to do after praying and reading the bible
What is application?
The ways to use the five senses to study the Bible
What is smell(Imagine you have the nose of a detective who study every detail), sound (Listen to the words, and feel the emotions), sight (Train ourselves to see with fresh eyes), taste(Taste the word of God like a meal) and touch(Feel the Holy Spirit come down)?
The longest chapter in the Bible
What is Psalms 119?
The books in the Bible that tell about the life of Jesus
What are the Gospels?(Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
We read and study the Bible during this time. (Made in the first class)
When is our quiet time?
what are 3 out of 5 of the common types of Bible literature (Hint: Narr, Parab, Poe, Proverb, Proph)
What is Narrative, Parables, Poetry, Proverbial, and Prophecy?
Adding notes on a Bible to write down things that are important
What is annotating?
The place where Jesus was crucified
Where is Golgotha?
Fun Fact: Also known as the Place of the Skull
The amount of times Jesus asked Peter if he loved him
How many is 3?
Fun Fact: The word love appears in the Bible 551 times
The point of reading the Bible
What is learning about God's word and his instructions?
The 3 Bible study Method (OIA)
What is Observation, Interpretation, and Application?
The AURRE Bible observation strategy.
What is alike, unlike, repeated, related, and emphasized?
The 2 out of the 3 major questions in Mark that include Jesus
Who is Jesus, Who do people say Jesus is, and how did Jesus become the Messiah king?
Fun Fact: Jesus actually didn't directly write any books of the Bible
The three O's of God's power. (Omni-)
The 5 ways to take in God's Word
What is Hearing God's word, Reading the Bible, Studying the Scripture, Memorizing verses, and Meditating daily?