Coping Skills
How are they feeling?
What do I do?
Friend or No

Jonesy is feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork. He has a test tomorrow that he does not feel ready for and he has a lot of work to do on a project. He feels like he is not smart enough to do the work and feels like he will fail. What should he do?

Practice positive self-talk ("I am smart enough and I can do this!")

Take deep breaths before starting to work. 

Break down her tasks into smaller parts ("First I will read this page in my book, and then I will use my flash cards.")


Pikachu wakes up on his birthday morning, knowing he'll get to open presents and have a party with friends later in the day.




"I'm not good at math. I'll never understand this."

"Math can be challenging, but I'm capable of learning and improving with practice and patience."


Ender Dragon is trying to get you to give them answers on the math test? What do you do?

Raise your hand to tell a teacher. 

Ask them politely to go away. 



Mario asks you to play with him at recess. 



Banshee is mean to Wildcat at school. She calls Wildcat names and Wildcat does not feel comfortable going to school anymore. What should she do?

Tell a teacher and seek support. 

Communicate feelings to the bully and set boundaries. 


Charizard's best friend moves away to a new city, and they feel lonely and sad without them.



"I'm so stupid for making that mistake."

"Making mistakes is a part of learning and growing. I'll use this experience to improve and do better next time."

Creeper is being mean to Alex on the playground. What do you do?

Tell a teacher. 

Tell Creeper to stop being mean to Alex. 

Make sure Alex is okay. 


Bowzer said he will be your friend if you let him copy your homework. 


Ramirez feels like she does not have a lot of control at home and she gets very frustrated with other people. She often gets in trouble in school for calling other people names and making rude comments. Sometimes it gets so bad that she yells at other people. What should she do to help herself be more patient with others?

Take a deep breath before responding. 

Color when she starts feeling upset. 

Ask for a break in class to use the restroom or take a walk. 


Jigglypuff accidentally spills juice on her shirt in front of her classmates during lunchtime, and everyone laughs.



"I'll never be as good as them."

"Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Instead of comparing myself to others, I'll focus on my own progress and growth."


Enderman hits you and calls you a mean name. What do you do?

Tell a teacher. 

Walk away from him. 

Tell him to stop. 


Toad asks to look at your notes because he missed class and needs to catch up on work. 



Kyle does not have a lot of friends and is nervous about making new friends. He feels like no one will like him so he just doesn't talk to anyone. How should Steve make friends?

Positive self-talk ("I am worthy of having friends" or "I know people want to be my friend")

Ask to join a game. Find someone with similar interests and talk about those interests. 

Ask an adult for help. 


Mewtwo successfully learns how to ride a bike without training wheels for the first time. What an accomplishment!



"Nobody likes me. I don't have any friends."

"I may be feeling lonely right now, but there are people who care about me. I can reach out and connect with others."


Your teacher makes you clean up a picture you were not done coloring because it's time to work again. You get so angry you want to scream. What do you do?

Clean up quietly and listen to the teacher. You can finish the drawing later.

Take a deep breath and then follow the teacher's instructions. 

Ask to take a walk or go sit in the calm down corner. 


Bones said he is only friends with people who get him things he wants. 


Headhunter's parents are getting a divorce and she is very upset. She throws temper tantrums, yells at her parents, and gets in trouble at school for not paying attention. She doesn't want to get in trouble, but she can't control his anger. What should she do?

Talk to a trusted adult about his feelings and ask for help. 

Ask to go for a walk. 


Listen to music. 


Meowth and Diglett painted pictures for the contest and Meowth won the prize. How does Diglett feel?



"Nobody understands me. I'm all alone."

"It's normal to feel misunderstood at times, but there are people who care about me and are willing to listen. I'm not alone in this."

You and Herobrine are friends but they made you mad and you hit them. Now they are mad at you. What do you do?

Talk about what made you upset. 

Apologize and ask for forgiveness. 


Princess Peach needs a hug because she is having a hard time at home with her parents. 
