Just for Lee
What Would Mother Do?
Unknown Christmas Facts
Bible Trivia
Wrap your head around this question: What black artist is referred to as the "High Priestess of Soul?"
Who is: Nina Simone
There are two slices of bread with mold on the crust left to make a sandwich and no other slices available to make a sandwich for your lunch. What would mother do?
What is: Remove the moldy crust and make you eat the sandwich.
We all know that there is no mention that the birth of Christ took place on December 25th in the bible. What season do most historians believe that Jesus was actually born?
What is: In the Spring
What weapon did Samson use to kill 1000 Philistines at Lehi?
What is the jawbone of an ass
What is the official date that created the concept for Bellaland?
What is April 8, 2016
What famous black "Hottentot" woman was put on display and exploited for her curves in Europe. Today, her theme song would have been, "Baby's Got Back!"
Who is: Sarah Saartjie Baartman
Your 2 year old is wildly running around the house while mother is trying to play the piano. What would mother do?
What is: Tie the child up in a chair
The name "Santa Claus" is derived from this name.
What is: St. Nicholas
What are the final words of Jesus recorded in the New Testament?
What is surely I come quickly
How do you spell Bella's middle name?
What is Elise
This young woman was known as the richest Black child in America.
Who is: Sarah Rector
What are the names of the home grown plant leaves from the garden that mother would dry out and make tea out of?
What is: Comfrey & mint
What country did gift-giving come from?
What is: Holland
Who said, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord?"
Who is Joshua (Joshua 24:15)
What color is Bella's favorite blanket?
What is brown
What civil rights leader made his initial mark by leading a successful effort to desegregate busses in Montgomery, Alabama?
Who is: Martin Luther King
You spend the night at mother and granddaddy's and notice that you forgot your toothpaste. What would mother do?
What is: Tell you to go to the kitchen and get some baking soda and brush your teeth.
Settle me this one: Who created the first American batch of eggnog?
Who is: the Jamestown settlers
God tested Abraham by telling him to offer his only son as a burn offering. Who was that son?
Who is Isaac
What is Bella's late paternal great-great-grandfather's middle name?
What is Harold
What former slave started a secret, Blacks only, Sunday school where he taught children to read and write?
Who is: Frederick Douglas
You are all alone in the "big room" and you hear noises. You run and jump into mother's bed because you are afraid and she kicks you out and tells you not to be afraid. You go into her room again and ask can you sleep with her. What does mother do?
What is: Escort you back out to the "big room", turns off the light and locks the door.
What was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
What is: How the Grinch stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey
How much was Judas paid to betray Jesus?
What is 30 pieces of silver
What is Bella's favorite food?
What is ketchup