Stress, Coping & Resilience
Deployment & Dialectics
Teens & Deployment
A tension closely tied to cohesion and closeness in families.
What is autonomy-connection
A model of resilience that shows the balancing act of stress demands and capabilities.
What is the FAAR model : Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Model.
A tension found during the predeployment phase that involves lots of questions and fear.
What is uncertainty - certainty.
The idea that teens see their military parent as a role model even when they are sad they are gone.
What is PRIDE?
The year the Boston Marathon was first run.
What is 1897
A dialectic tension in the relationship that occurs when John wants to bring a little "spice" back into his relationship, so he suggests moving into the city. Jane likes the suburbs and doesn't want to make a big shift.
What is predictability-novelty?
The "C" part of the ABCX model and what it means.
What is Importance.
Praxis pattern during deployment for managing role struggles of autonomy and connection.
What is balance (balancing new identity, children, husbands) and/or denial (chose authority/autonomy over connection)
A tip for managing how teen's think about the realities of war.
What is listen, be honest, connect them with other parent, be aware of emotional cycles?
The school from which Dr. Rossetto earned her Ph.D.
What is the University of Texas at Austin.
The praxis pattern (strategy to manage tension) used when John and Jane decide to stay in the suburb and ignore John's need for change.
What is Selection?
A type of loss marked by a presence-absence paradox.
What is ambiguous loss?
A praxis pattern found postdeployment where one spouse was willing to be open but the other did not want to listen, or one spouse was willing to hear but the other was closed.
What is antagonistic denial
A benefit of moving around as a teen military child.
What is adaptability.
The due date for the final paper
What is May 4th?
A dialectic tension that may be particularly relevant during the stressful time of adolescence in families.
What is autonomy- connection (or open - closed)
Four things that help determine how well a family will cope with stress.
What are number of previous stressors, degree of role change, social support, and institutional support.
The three major tensions found pre, during, and post deployment.
What are uncertainty/certainty, autonomy/connection, and openness/closedness.
Saying thanks, wearing military pins, and donating to charities are ways we can acknowledge this "thing teens want us to know"
What is "we appreciate recognition"?
One thing we have learned over the course of the semester.
What is ?
Neutralizing and reframing are both dialectic tension management techniques that relate to which parts of the FAAR model or ABCX model?
What is Meaning or Importance - reinterpreting our event.
Two things listed as "capabilities" in the FAAR model, what they are, and examples.
What are coping resources and coping strategies?
A pattern that might be crucial (in terms of balancing tensions) to "successful" deployments (hint: ties to a primary function in families).
What is praxis adaptability?
One of the parts of the emotional cycles of deployment for teens.
What is Anticipation of Departure, Detachment and Withdrawal, Emotional Disorganization, Recovery and Stabilization, Anticipation of Return, Return Adjustment and Re-negotiation, Reintegration and Stabilization
Won best picture at the Oscars this year.
What is The King's Speech?