These are the FCI 5 that we provide to our partners
Evidence Based Model, Nurse Home Visiting, Community Alignment, Policy Support and Data Drive Improvement
Name the 3 KPIs that are used to demonstrate model fidelity
What is population reach, average age of infant and referral connection rate
When a CP is budgeting for positions, the FTE is 1 of this position for every 2500 births.
What is a program support specialist.
Name at least two of the plans completed during Orientation/Academy
staffing plan, scaling plan, communication plan, CA plan, sustainability plan
This is the number of states where FCI has an active contract
What is 20
The Academy pricing of $25K is priced per ________.
What is administrative home
This is the minimum % of population reach that must complete an IHV or mIHV average over 6 months
What is 60%
Name the 2 optional positions that are included in our budget--some portion of an FTE is recommended for these roles but not required.
What are communications and data manager.
This is the position that should be in place before Academy starts and he/she should attend all Academy sessions
Program Administrator
The 3 model founders on the FC Program Manual
Name the year of the launch of FCI as a non-profit
What is 2022
This is the % of infants that are 14-34 days old at the time of the IHV for fidelity
What is 70%.
The allocation for this role in our budget template is 1 of these FTE for every 8 staff.
What is a nurse supervisor
This document is not legally binding but is an agreement between 2 parties as to how they will work together. FCI typically asks our partner to have this in place with birth hospitals within their catchment for access to the Labor and Delivery floor.
What is an MOU/Memorandum of Understanding
The number of Randomized Controlled Trials done on the model.
What is 2 RCTs
What is the cost of a Health Cloud license
What is $820 per license per year
This is the number of times a Nurse Supervisor must perform a quality assurance visit with each nurse on their team
What is once per quarter/ 4 x per year
The staffing calculator embedded is the budget template estimates for this number of work weeks annually for a nurse
What is 46 weeks of work
This is a contract that specifies the parties' responsibilities regarding Protected Health Information. FCI typically has these with local CPs so they can share data with FCI for quality/evaluation purposes.
What is a Business Associate Agreement (BAA).
Name the minimum educational requirement in terms of a degree that is required for a nurse in the FC model
What is an Associate Degree in Nursing
Name one benefit that a CP can do once they are certified
What is train their own nurses and other roles and expand.
This is the minimum number of times that a CAB must meet within a year to meet the quality standard.
What is quarterly.
This is the number of visits that are estimated by the budget calculator to be scheduled each work week for a nurse home visitor in the budget template
What is between 6 and 8 visits scheduled each week
For this position within a local CP, the allocation is 1 FTE for 500-4999. If the EBP is 5000 or more, an additional FTE is required.
What is a Community Alignment Specialist
In addition to an MD or DO, name at least one of the other certifications or degrees who can serve as a Medical Director
What are Certified Nurse Midwife, Physician's Assistant or Nurse Practitioner