When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
What is Pikachu?
A place where you can go to heal injured Pokemon!
What is a Pokemon Center?
What are Championship Points?
What is Professor's Research?
(Various Answers)
A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.
What is Mewtwo?
Where you go to fight the Elite Four!
Where is the Pokemon League?
This type of tournament happens 3 times a year in Latin America, North America, and Europe!
What are International Championships?
Each player shuffles their hand and puts it on the bottom of their deck. Then, each player draws a card for each of their remaining Prize cards.
What is Iono?
The neighborhood Tabletop Village is located in!
Where is Chinatown-International District?
This Pokémon’s pincers, which contain steel, can crush any hard object they get ahold of into bits.
What is Scizor?
This is where Ash Ketchum is from!
Where is Pallet Town?
This deck won the 2023 World Championships!
What is Mew VMAX?
Draw 3 cards. Discard a Stadium in play.
What is Worker?
The location of a poster of Gyarados!
Where is next to the trainer wall?
It folds its four legs when flying. Its four brains are said to be superior to a supercomputer.
What is Metagross?
This Paldean city hosts a Pokemon Academy!
Where is Mesagoza?
The location of the World Championships this year!
Where is Anaheim, California? (Disneyland!)
Each player shuffles their hand and puts it on the bottom of their deck. If either player put any cards on the bottom of their deck in this way, each player flips a coin. If heads, that player draws 6 cards. If tails, they draw 3 cards.
What is Lucian?
The year that Tabletop Village started!
When is 2020?
This Pokémon uses its hard tail to make its nest by boring holes into bedrock deep underground. The nest can reach lengths of over six miles.
What is Dudunsparce?
Where is Johto?
This is the only player to have won the Pokemon TCG World Championships multiple times!
Who is Jason Klaczynski?
Search your deck for a Supporter card that has Holon in its name, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. Or, search your discard pile for a Supporter card that has Holon in its name, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand.
What is Holon Transceiver?
The ultimate goal of Tabletop Village!
What is being an inclusive community for all kinds of people?