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Cities That Start With P

The largest country in the world.

What is Russia


“They taste like burning.”

Who is Ralph Wiggum


One of the last surviving members of his species, this superhero wields such powers as the ability to shape-shift, telepathy, flight, invisibility, phasing, and super-strength.

Who is Martian Manhunter


"Say hello to my little friend!"

Who is Scarface


This historical city is known as the birthplace of some founding fathers, as well as the City of Brotherly Love.

What is Philadelphia


The longest river in the United States.

What is the Missouri River


“To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

Who is Homer Simpson

The best marksman in the DC universe, this villain is known for his accuracy with all types of guns and he has become iconic for the two wrist-mounted machine guns that he uses in combat.

Who is Deadshot


"Are you not entertained?"

Who is Maximus, Gladiator


This vibrant, green, and forested area is known as the City of Roses.

What is Portland


This vibrant city is the largest in Australia.

What is Brisbane

“Wow, that is the biggest Rice Krispie square I've ever seen! The rich sure know how to live.”

Who is Bart Simpson


An immortal warrior who's been reborn into countless lives, this flying heroine uses her past to plot a course for a brighter future.

Who is Hawkgirl


"A boy's best friend is his mother."

Who is Norman Bates, Psycho


This steely eastern American community has more bridges than any other city in the world.

What is Pittsburg


The tallest mountain in the United States.

What is Mount McKinley


“I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuff's loaded with nutrients. I... I can't compete with that stuff.”

Who is Moe Szyslak


As a collector of knowledge, this ambitious alien travels from planet to planet, enslaving entire civilizations to add to his sick library.

Who is Brainiac


"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!"

Who is Rocky Balboa


Despite being one of the most populous European capitals, this city only has one stop sign - also known as the City of Lights.

What is Paris


The country with the most volcanos.

What is Indonesia


"Hello, my name is Mister Snrub and I come from, uh, some place far away. Yes, that should do."

Who is Montgomery Burns


The product of a chance encounter with an alien race, this beastly villain evolved past the common primates who lived in the African jungle and developed super intelligence, along with a wide array of other mental powers.

Who is Gorilla Grodd


"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."

Who is Hannibal Lecter, The Silence of the Lambs


Known as the largest city in Western Australia and the sunniest and most isolated capital in the world.

What is Perth