When you have butterflies in your stomach
excited, nervous, or another feeling
Big feelings are bad
False. No feelings are bad. Feelings are feelings, they don't have to be good or bad.
Your mom or dad used a loud voice when they reminded you how much time you had left to get ready for school
Sad, irritated, frustrated, or another feeling
Joyful, cheerful, other
When your tears are falling
Happy, sad, embarassed, scared, worried ... Lots of different feelings
We should never feel angry
False. Feelings are feelings! They come and they go. It's okay to have all feelings. What matters is what we do and how we handle them.
You didn't get to go visit the sand dune on your trip
Sad, mad, disappointed
unhappy, sorrowful, other answer
surprised or embarassed
When someone tells a really funny joke
Happy, excited
Some feelings are uncomfortable
True. So true! Some feelings are uncomfortable and undesirable. We can work through these uncomfortable feelings.
Your teacher gave you a speaking part in the performance
excited, proud, happy
afraid, frightened, other
When your teacher is absent and you have a not-so-awesome substitute teacher
Disappointed, unhappy
It's ok to feel lonely sometimes
True. Feelings are feelings! We can process the lonely feelings and will be ok.
disappointed, sad, hurt
Startled, shocked
irritated, let down, annoyed, or disappointed
Suzie was feeling ________ because she lost the game
Disappointed, furious, bothered, sad
Susie was feeling accelerated because she lost the game.
False. Accelerated isn't a feeling word.
Your parents made your favorite meal for dinner
Happy, surprised, excited
let down, saddened, other feeling
Angry or frustrated