What is the dance invented by mother
What is Moms Happy Dance
Who's bed did Mischief originally sleep on when we first got her
Who is Brianna
What line does lee quote from Emperors new groove all the time
What is "Kronk The Emperor Needs his Drink"
What is 1974
What is Briannas Birthday
What is August 14th 2001
What is the name of the dance Brianna created combining two popular memes
What is The Flab
What is Mischiefs street name
What is Muddy Paws Bean (Bow-on)
What does cj sing in a deep voice
What is "Chocolate Rain"
What is moms favorite color
What is blue
Where did Brianna get her first Gnome, and what is his name
What is Comicon or Fanx and Norm
What song did Lee and i used to tango to
What is Livin La Vida Loca (Shrek Version)
Who did we get first. Roger Jr or Sunny
Who is Sunny
What does kalliAnn say to lee or cj in the kitchen when they wont move
What is "Get out of my way"
What did mom do in college against her fathers wishes
What is Double Piercing her ears
What are Briannas 3 Addictions
What is Yarn, Ice cream, and K-dramas
What is Fortnite dance that cj does that Brianna loves called
CJ will have to confirm the answer because i cannot find it
Cj will also get 100 points if he does the dance right now
What day did we get Lady
What August 13th 2019
What does Lizzie Yell when someone says who is it
What is "Its One Direction"
How many years did Brianna have braces
What is 4
What dance did kalliAnn create as a child to go with a specific facial expressions
What is The Old Man Dance
What was the first nickname we gave Mischief
What is The Shnoogie
What word does Brianna keep trying to implement that annoys Lee everytime
What is "Wade"
What was the name of moms favorite horse
What is Luke
What two contests did Brianna get first in in Elementary School
What is Science Fair and Storybook Reading