Name something with teeth. Name 3.
Animal, People, A comb, A zipper, A saw
Name 3 things you might eat with a hamburger.
French fries, soup. salad, onion rings, pickles
Name something you do that rhymes with "grow up". Name 2.
Throw up, Show up, Blow up, Keep up
Name 3 things that breaks down.
car, computer, body, communication, foreign relations, tv
Name 3 things you always have to keep plugged in.
tv, phones, computer, lamp, headphones, computer mouse
Name 3 things that you might lick.
Ice cream, Lollipop, Spoon, Fingers, Envelope.
Name 3 things you'd do infront of a mirror.
Brush teeth, Check your outfit, Brush hair, Look at yourself, Pop a pimple.
Name 3 fruits you might eat in the morning.
banana, grapefruit, strawberries, orange, apple, melon, peach
Give me a three letter word that starts with the letter "Z".
Zoo, Zip, Zig, Zag, Zit
Name 3 words that have "super" in it.
Superman, Super glue, Super star, Super market, Super power.
Tell me something many people do just once a week. Name 2.
church, eat out, sleep in, laundry, groceries/shopping, clean house
Name 2 liquids in your kitchen that you hope no one ever accidentally drinks.
soap, vinegar, cooking oil, soy sauce, bacon grease
Name something associated with Vampires. Name 2
Blood, Bat, Garlic, Halloween and Coffin
Name something people do on Valentine's Day.? Name 3.
Giving flowers, Buying chocolate, going on a date, Take a vacation, Gifting jewelry
Name 4 parts of your body that you might say has an "ache".
Head, Stomach, Back, Tooth, Muscle, Knee, Ear
Name 2 synonyms for the word "book."
novel, story, paperback, pamphlet, manual, volume, publication
Name a job starting with the letter "J"
Judge, jounalist
Name something that might come out of your nose when you laugh.
Water, Snot, Soda, Milk, breath
Name 3 things that start with the word "Ice"
Ice cream, Ice tea/coffee, Ice skating, Ice cube
Name 3 reasons a person might be running.
Exercise, Catch bus / train, Catch other person, Get somewhere, Sport / Game, Escape / being chased,
Name a common fear that many people have? Name 2.
Heights, Spiders, Public speaking, Flying
Name 3 countries that speak Chinese.
Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China
Name 2 famous rivers in the world.
Amazon river, Nile river, Mississippi river.
Fill in the blank: Hold the _________
Phone, Door, Elevator, Line
Other than feet, name something that runs.
Water, Engine, Refrigerator, Nose, Clock.