What should you do if you really wanted to go someplace and now you can't?
Identify how you are feeling - are you sad? mad? disappointed?
Then choose a coping skill to help: talk to staff, take some deep breaths, have a cold drink, go outside
Name the people in your family and what you like about them.
Thanks for telling me!
Tell about a time you felt sad
How is this person feeling? What can he do to feel better?
Frustrated, Angry, or Mad. Deep breaths, take a break, ask for help
A friend draws a picture for you and is excited to give it to you. But when you see the picture... you don't really like it. What do you do?
Say "Thank you!"
It doesn't really matter what the picture is what matters is that they did something thoughtful for you.
True or False: Gossiping is okay if i know the people
False! Mind your own business and stay away from gossip!
What is your favorite thing that you do together as a family?
Tell about a time you were proud of yourself!
True or False
Coping skills are dumb and do not work
Coping skills are great and help us feel better! but they only work if you USE them!
You are standing in line at school and the kid behind you is bothering you. What do you do?
First - use your words kindly and ask them to stop
Second - try to ignore
Third - ask a teacher for help
True or False
It is okay to make threats when I am mad at a friend
What is your favorite memory together?
Tell me something you are really excited for
When you are sad.... what coping skill helps you feel better?
Great job!
A new person at program says hi to you, but you don't know them. What do you do?
Because you are safe at program and the person is just being nice .... it is ok to be kind in return and say hi back :)
True or False: If I like someone at program I can tease them to get attention.
False! There are better ways to make friends! Introduce yourself, ask them questions about themselves, ask to sit next to them, give them a compliment.
How do you know your family loves you?
Tell about a time you felt angry/mad
True or False: I know my coping skills but I don't have to use them when I am upset/mad
False! Coping skills are the tools that help us to calm down and make safe choices
You really want to hang out with your best friend, but they are already hanging out with someone. What do you do?
Ask to join them!
You can ask another friend to hang out
If someone messages you on your Ipad / phone or laptop and says they are your friend, but you do not know who they are, what should you do?
It is not safe to respond to people who may message you that you do not know. If you are not sure - ask staff to help you figure out if you know the person or not.
Fill in the blank:
I am glad i have the family i do because
Good job!
Tell me about a time when you felt embarrassed
oh, that's embarrassing!
Name 3 coping skills you use that almost always help you feel better
Great job!!!
You see someone at program teasing another friend in about making a mistake. What do you do?
It is important to stand up for yourself and for others if they are being teased or bullied.
You can use your words and say "Teasing someone is really mean. Please stop."
ask staff to help