Give me a Break
🎄Christmas Triple🎄
What is a Kit-Kat bar
This body parts drum transforms sound waves into brainwaves
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What is the ear
This single read woodwind was played by Grandpa
🎄Christmas Triple🎄
What is the clarinet
This president gave the Gettysburg Address
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Who is Abraham Lincoln
Grandma might need bifocals to see this founding father on the $100 bill
Who is Benjamin Franklin
This president was a former Governor of Texas and owned the Texas Rangers
🎄Christmas Triple🎄
Who is George W Bush
Jack climbed the bean stock to steal back a magic one of these
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What is a harp
This hard candy comes in flavors such as watermelon and sour apple and is enjoyed by "Happy Cowboys"
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What are Jolly Ranchers
This large muscle, is the most superficial of the three buttocks muscles
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What is the gluteous maximus