What are the 2 biggest music streaming services?
Apple Music and Spotifyyy, Spotify is better just sayinggg
What's the popular app where people make small videos clips that involves dancing and memes?
Tik Tok
What games makes you copy the dance moves of the person on screen? We play it all the time.
Just Danceeeeeee
What year did the War of 1812 take place in?
1812... LMAO
Whats a Dog's strongest sense?
Which movies focuses about a group of superheroes taking down the infamous Thanos?
Avengers Infinity War and Endgame
What do you call someone who intentionally annoys people on the internet?
An internet Troll
Name 3 different Animes
There's literally so many
What was Rosa Parks known for?
The Bus Boycott (TO FREEDOM)
What happens to your breathing when you sleep?
It slooooooows down.
Finish the lyric: "I sit my byseeeeelf~"
"Talking to the Mooooooooooon~"
This discontinued app is owned by Twitter and created classic memes like "Im in mi mums car" and "Why you Always Lying"
Vine, which is better than TikTok, I said it
What does Scorpion from Mortal Kombat say when he grabs someone from his hook?
Which Islands are part of the Caribbean?
Cuba, Haiti/DR, PR, and Jamaica. Wa guan, ya tu sabessss
This planet is entirely made up of water and is the 8th planet in our system
This actor is the current Bat Man, and was in Good Will Hunting, Gone Girl, etc.
Ben Affleckkkkkk
This social media platform was one of the first of its kind, coming out in 2003. It allowed you to create a profile, listen to music, share photos, etc.
MySpace (Fun fact, Tom Hardy has some of the most interesting myspace pictures)
What's the fastest speed you can play on in Mario Kart 8?
200cc, gotta go fast bish
Which country is in the middle of France, Germany, and Italy?
Switzerland babyyyyy
What organ in your body absorbs the majority of nutrients from your food?
Small Intestineeeeeee
Which woman holds the most Grammys in history?
The one the only Beyonce, our QUEEN ~
Do a Tik Tok Trend right now.
good job yooooo~
In Attack on Titan, what's the name of Jean's friend that we see dead in the first Season? (We see half his body)
Marco, RIP our homie
Name all 4 Major Oceans.
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. swish swish imma fish bish
True or False: Sharks can drown if they stop swimming