The John
Communication Breakdown
Study Sesh
Mixed Bag

Name 4 things that are a must before leaving the bathroom.

What are 1) Make sure toilet is flushed, seat is clean and lid is down, 2) items used are put away where they belong, 3) towels are hung up, and 4) light is turned off & door is left open.

Other ideas will be considered correct, if deemed valid.


Screen-time (i.e., phone, ipad, computer, tv) needs to be over for these many minutes prior to lights-out.

What is 60 minutes? 

Extra points: if answer correctly includes where screens will be stored for the night.


This is a possible meaning for the following proverb: “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

What is having a set, organized place for our belongings helps us be more efficient and stress-free? 

Research has shown that the average person in the U.S. spends 16–55 minutes per day looking for misplaced items, which can be detrimental to productivity.


Name of our new neighbors' 2 year old. 

Bonus: extra 250pts given for each parent named also.

Who is Joe?

Who is Anna?

Who is ???


This term is defined as:

a plan for how to spend and save money over a set period of time. It helps to ensure that there is enough money each month to cover expenses and save for goals or emergencies. 

 What is a budget?


This item stationed next to the porcelaine throne gets replaced immediately upon finishing.

What is a roll of toilet paper?


Reason why washing dishes by hand requires using hot water.

What is because washing dishes with cold water does not kill bacteria, only using hot water does?


Terms used when someone is irritable from being thirsty and tired with a growling tummy.

What are dehydrated and hangry?  

Other terms accepted, as appropriate, i.e., low blood sugar.


The opposite of giving up.

What is Perseverance? 

-the ability to be persistent even when things are difficult, or there is no immediate success—to keep going.


Give examples of "Needs" vs "Wants" in terms of items being considered for purchase.

What is needs are a must-have and wants are nice-to-have treats (or rewards from bonus/savings)?

  • Needs clothing, school supplies, snack money
  • Wants might include eating out with friends, going to the movies, or a concert.

True or False.  If you clog a toilet, you should not tell anyone.

What is false, Dad or Mom should immediately be informed of any malfunctioning item in the bathroom or any other room for that matter.


Mom just got home after dropping off Lily at the JCC, when Nathaniel asks Dad to give him a ride to the JCC. Explain a strategy that could have been used to streamline this scenario. 

What is try to plan ahead and keep all potentially impacted peeps in the loop?


Determine whether these examples describe intrinsic or extrinsic motivation:

  • Creating art for the joy and peace it gives you rather than for the money you could make by selling it
  • Playing sports for fun, not to win a trophy
  • Aiming for good grades not because you wish to impress others but because you like to accomplish things

What is intrinsic motivation?


Provide an example of what inspires you about another family member.

What is answers may vary and points will not be deducted unless no answer given.


If you earn $100, it is recommended that this percentage range be put directly into savings before spending.

What is 10-20 of net earnings%?


The statement that is false amongst the following:

bathroom fan should be left off while showering, personal items should be put away, tub should be rinsed after use.

What is bathroom fan should be left off while showering?


True or False.  Taking off shoes is not required in our house.

What is true?  Although this is true, it is GREATLY appreciated to maintain cleanliness and reduce wear & tear on these old, beautiful floors.  


This method of study suggests taking a 5 minute break every 25 minutes.

What is the Pomodoro technique?


The name of the HS Principal.

Who is Michele Carlson?


Number 1 reason why spending should be tracked.

What is to avoid not having enough money to pay for needs?

Once a week, each bathroom needs a deep clean, whereas each day the bathroom needs to be tidied.  Explain the difference.
What is a "deep clean" includes: scrubbing toilet, sink, tub, wash towels, & clean mirror; whereas, "tidying up" each day includes items explained in the $100 clue (i.e., 4 things to do before leaving the bathroom)?
We agree to purchase a brand new set of airpods.  Name 3 things that exhibit responsible behavior in caring for this luxury item.

What is: 1) labeling my case so it is identifiable, 2) keeping it in the same location(s), 3) not stealing someone else's when yours is not sufficiently charged or lost?  Also acceptable: ask for help right away, if you are having trouble remembering where they might be.


These are 4 acceptable places to complete homework.

What are: 

1) my room without t.v. & phone notifications off

2) at school during teacher's office hours

3) a friend's house or Gigi & Pa's for projects/help

4) town library to mix it up and yet stay focused/on-task


This is the age Mimi is turning on Dec 29, 2024.

What is 80 years old?


Explain what a loan is.

What is a sum of money that is borrowed from banks to financially manage events/expenses? 

The borrower incurs a debt, which he has to be paid back with interest and within a given period of time.