What was Lucy's first collar color
What is carlies worst subject
What is makenna hobby she does most
What is moms fav color
What is afton biggest pet peeve
Chewing loud
When is carlies fav holiday
December 25
What is moms fav book
King of the castle
What is callen fav hobby
Outdoor stuff
What is dads fav color
Purple and blue
What is carlies biggest pet peeve
When people are obviously lying
How old was afton when she learned how to ride a bike
What is Lucy's middle name
Gram cracker
What is moms least fav thing to do
What is afton least fav color
What is callens pet peeve
What does callen do for work
Works at front desk in a hotel
Who is afton English teacher
Mrs Wellard
What is afton least fav hobby
Arts and crafts
What is carlies least fav color
Dark purple
What is a pet peeve that dad doesnt mind
True or false
A fart stays with you for 5 seconds
False. It stays with you for 10
What is something in the dining room that dad made
The mountain
What is carlies least fav thing to do
Anything that requires going outside
What is callens fav color
What is makenna biggest pet peeve
Making plans and not going through with them