Current Pop Culture Events
Word Origins
Christmas Traditions and History
Funny, But True

Kim Kardashian is rumored to be dating this comedian.

Who is Pete Davidson?


This surname comes from the German word for "to hunt."

What is Yeager?


When trying to make a super-strong adhesive, Dr. Spencer Silver accidentally made a "low-tack," reusable adhesive that, when used with paper, led to the creation of these.

What are post-it notes?


St. Stephen's feast day, often celebrated on the second day of Christmastide in the UK, is often referred to as this. 

What is Boxing Day?


This federal institution has a private basketball court. It's nicknamed "the highest court in the land." 

What is the Supreme Court?


The new documentary Get Back shows The Beatles working on their album Let It Be. Paul is referring to this person when he sings "Mother Mary comes to me/ speaking words of wisdom/let it be."

Who is his mother?


This name is the feminized form of laurus, Latin for "bay laurel plant", which in the Greco-Roman era was used as a symbol of victory, honor or fame.

What is Laura?


This condiment was used as a medicine in the 1800s. 

What is ketchup?


Used by some parents to encourage their children to behave, this toy/decoration watches children and reports their behavior back to Santa.

What is an elf on the shelf?


This country's Ninety Mile Beach is only 55-miles-long.

What is New Zealand?


Taylor Swift's new version of her song "All Too Well" is this many minutes long.

What is 10 minutes?


This word comes from the French "m'aider," meaning "help me."

What is mayday?


The first iPhone came out in this year.

What is 2007?


In Japan, many families have a tradition of going to this Southern-American fast food restaurant on Christmas. 

What is KFC?


A fight between three people is called this.

What is a truel?


This is the name of Harry Styles' new beauty line.

What is Pleasing?


This term was originally used in chess and other games to denote a problem, or a position in which the chances of winning or losing were evenly balanced, hence ‘a dangerous situation’.

What is "jeopardy?"


Actress Hedy Lamarr's technological innovations for radio communication in World War II later led to the creation of this modern-day technology. 

What is Wifi (or Bluetooth or GPS)?


The yule goat has been Christmas symbol for this country dating back to ancient pagan festivals.

What is Sweden?


An Ohio man requested for six members from this NFL team to be his pallbearers in his obituary so that they could let him down one last time. 

What are the Cleveland Browns?


Britney Spears' conservatorship, which recently ended, lasted this many years. 

What is 13?


This is the word for the the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.

What is etymology?


Thomas Edison suggested saying "hello" when one answered the phone. His rival Alexander Graham Bell suggested using this phrase instead. 

What is "ahoy?"


In the early 17th century, Christmas was cancelled by this person in the UK.

Who is Oliver Cromwell?

The speed of a computer mouse is measured in these. 

What are "Mickeys" (or "Mickeys per second")?