What is Juliens favorite animal
What is a Cat
What is Josef’s favorite pokemon
What is mewtwo
What is her favorite color
What is pink
Where does dad work
what is the Air Force
What color were Sophie’s cats
What is black
What’s Juliens favorite fast food restaurant
What is canes
What does josef hate
What is cleaning
What’s her favorite song
What is little mermaid
What’s dads favorite color
What is grey
Where do we like to go
What is wet n wild
What was Juliens first word
What is dada
What’s Josef’s favorite animal
What is a sloth
What’s her favorite animal
What is a unicorn
What’s dad good at
What is fixing things
What is ride did josef cry on
What is Ferrell fury
What was my favorite color when I was little
What is yellow
What is josef scared of
What is Darkness
Where does she like to go
what is Peter piper pizza
What’s dads favorite chips
What is hot Cheetos
What is dad good at playing
What is piano?
What injury did Julien hate the most
How many times has josef had stitches
What is 2
What is grey
Who’s dads favorite artist(music)
What is dead mau
What is Jocelyn scared of
What is bugs