When was Rosie's birthday?
How old was I when I got my first bike?
What celebrity shares a birthday with Naomi?
Taylor Swift, Jamie Foxx
Mum's favourite colour is...
What is the real name of Dad's childhood dog? (Not Greg)
What was the colour of the first dog-jumper we got Missy?
What year did I join the Enviro Warriors?
Yr 5
What year did Naomi become an Enviro Warrior?
Yr 4
What was the date of Mother's day 2024?
A, 13/05 B, 12/05 C, 11/05
7 in human years or 49 in dog years.
True or False?
I got my skateboard for my birthday
True or False?
Naomi has not watched E.T.
True or False?
Mum had a crush on an actor who plays a Star Wars character
True! Harrison Ford!
How long did Dad hold in his digestive system?
Two years
True or False?
Rosie ate "MyDog" dog food.
What year was I in when I joined Mrs Bowman's choir in BPS?
Yr 6
Naomi was first introduced to the Bunkins as..
Sushi Sister
What age did Mum give birth to Remi?
What month did Dad make up Tiredy Bunkins?
What was the colour of Rosie's bone dog tag?
Where did Remi lose her first tooth?
Shoal Bay
Naomi's favourite Spider-Man is..
Tom Holland
What year did Mum break up with Sebastian?
What year did Dad break up with Holly?