When is Ivy's birth date?
January 15th 1993
What is the Vinluan's children names
Christian, Sarah and Jessa
Who was the first to immigrate to Canada?
Auntie Ludy
How long have Josh and Ivy been together?
14 years
Who drives a white elantra?
Where did Auntie Penny go for her 61 birthday?
Las Vegas
Where did the kids last go on vacation together?
Who is the only child?
Auntie Penny
Who is older between Bethany and Erika
What is the building number of the apartment we all lived in?
Who shares the same birthday as Uncle Rene?
Who worked at amazon?
Alex, Irene, Sarah, Bethany and Jessa
Name 3 aunties who lived in Paris
Auntie Ludy, Auntie Marissa and Auntie Rosemarie
Who got engaged first?
Name all the dogs in the family
Bruno, Sophie and Louie
Who was the youngest aunt?
Auntie Rita
Who has the most tattoos?
Who is the oldest and youngest aunt?
Auntie Ludy and Auntie Rosemarie
Who is Irenes roommate?
Where was our last family trip together?
Who's birthdays fall in December?
Auntie Rita, Sarah, Alyssa, Irene, Jessa
Name the kids in order from oldest to youngest
Ivy, Irene, Alyssa, Galilee, Alex, Christian, Abigail, Bethany, Sarah, and Jessa
What is Uncle Charlie's middle name?
What is Jessa's boyfriends name?
What is the name of the park in Thorncliffe where we used to have parties/picnics?
Ernest Thompson Seaton Park