What is Justice's Favorite book
Paw Patrol
When is Casey's birthday
March 18
What is Allyson's Best Friend
What is Ollie's favorite food
Mac and Cheese
How many sibling does Jolene have
What is Justice's Favorite You Tuber
What is Casey's favorite show
SVU or Chicago Fire
What is Allyson Favorite Movie
The Princess Bride
What is Ollie's favorite song
No Time To Explain - by Good Kid
What is Jolene's Favorite color
green or Orange
Where was Justice Food
Mac and Cheese
What is Casey's favorite Food
Mexican/ Chinese
What is Allyson's Favorite Book
Percy Jackson or Twisted series
What is Ollie's Favorite Percy Jackson Character?
Leo Valdez
What is Jolene's favorite animal
kola or fox
What is Justice's Dad's Name
JD Dye
What is Casey's Favorite Books
What is Allyson's Favorite color
red or gray
What Ollie's favorite color
Who is Jolene's Best friend
What is Justice's Favorite Animal
Snow Leopard
What is Casey's Favorite Song
I Speak Jesus
What is Allyson favorite song
spring and a storm or just apathy both by Tally Hall
Who is Ollie's Best Friend
What is Jolene's older brother's name