The study of plants and animals is this.
"Circle of Life" is the opening number for this wild show.
The Lion King
George, Paul, John, and ---
Ringo (Beetles)
A piece of wood that is twice as wide as it is think is also a day or time meaningful to cannabis users.
This two digit number has the most syllables in it when you say it out loud.
From mountains to plains scientists in this field study the earth.
Lynn Manuel Miranda is responsible for which America centered musical.
Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and ---
Michelangelo (Ninja Turtles)
A Shakespearean tragedy about the premiere sandwich offered by and eatery known for its golden arches.
Big Macbeth
The only two vowels in this human body part is also the abbreviation for human intelligence.
The Thing, Human Torch, Invisible Girl, and ---
Mr. Fantastic (Fantastic Four)
An absorbent, yellow, porous and functional sea creature whose fibs are easily detected by his flaming slacks.
SpongeBob SquarePants On Fire
What six letter German word, in classical music, means "songs", It is a homophone for someone in a position of power, such as a president, a ceo, or a monarch.
ROAR --- The study of dinosaur.
Spawning from a 1988 film, this Character's name may conjure something unpleasant if said 3 times in a row, spoken, and unbroken.
George, Jerry, Elaine, and ---
Kramer (Seinfeld)
The group assigned to protect the president proceeds through this door meant for delivery people and other help.
Secret Service Entrance
*Double Jeopardy* This dinosaur with horns of three is the only known dinosaur to take down a T. Rex.
Someone who studies crime could be in this field.
"Do You Hear The People Sing" is a song from this musical about revolution of a corrupt government.
Les Miz
Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and ---
Clyde (Pac-Man)
The atom bomb partner of Little Boy become a fabric-related term for clergyman.
Fat Man of the Cloth