How old are you?
I am _______years old.
How many pets do you have?
I have _______pets.
Where are you from?
I am from________.
What color is your shirt?
My shirt is________.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is_______.
How old is your dad?
My dad is ______ years old.
What kind of pets do you have? (What type?)
I have_________.
Where are your parents from?
My parents are from_______.
What brand of shoe are you wearing? (Nike, Adidas)
I am wearing _______ shoes.
What is your least favorite color?
My least favorite color is________.
How old is your grandma?
My grandma is _______ years old.
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I prefer ________.
Where do you want to visit?
I want to visit_______.
What color hair does your mom have? (Brunette, Blond, Black, Grey)
My mom has_____hair.
What is your favorite hobby? (Playing piano, chess, running, video games)
My favorite hobby is ________.
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or an only child?
I am the_______ child.
What is your pet like? (Fun, sad, energetic, funny)
My pet is________.
Where are your grandparents from?
My grandparents are from________.
Do you look more similar to your dad or mom?
I look more similar to my__________
What is your mom's favorite hobby?
My mom's favorite hobby is_______.
Who is the oldest person in your family? How old are they?
My grandpa is the oldest. He is 76!
What kind of pet do you want in the future?
I want a______in the future?
What languages does your family speak?
My family speaks________.
What is your outfit like? (Describe your clothes)
My outfit is________.
What is your brother's/sister's favorite hobby?
My brother's/sister's favorite hobby is_______.