Jolly Old England
Greatest Hits in American Foreign Policy
I'm Fluent in Fluids
Fun Family Facts
Cooking Science

This "large" bell is one of London's most famous tourist attractions.

What is Big Ben?


This 2 term president dropped more bombs via drone attacks and deported more immigrants after winning the Nobel Peace Prize during his first year in office.

Who is Barack Obama?


This location is the deepest point in the deepest ocean trench on Earth.

What is Challenger Deep?


The number of aunt/uncle siblings on our shared family side

What is 8?


Celiacs beware: these proteins created in seed storage molecules give bread and pasta their distinct chewiness

What is gluten?


The pub meal "bangers and mash" consists of mashed potato and these.

What are sausages?


The assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, the democratically elected Vietnamese president in 1963 was given the green light by this former president.

Who is JFK?


The fluid property that determines the thickness of a fluid and how quickly it flows.

What is viscosity?


This American National Park was where Joseph famously ran INTO instead of AWAY FROM the tent that was dangerously close to a large, horned herbivore.

What is Yellowstone?


This confectionary whip made of strong egg whites bubble structures fortified with sugar is commonly seen on American classic lemon pies

What is meringue?


The 3 longest reigning English monarchs are all women: Elizabeth I and II, and this 19th century queen.

Who is Victoria?


This former secretary of state advocated for and oversaw the overthrow of Libya's leader, precipitating a civil war and a humanitarian disaster including the current existence of open slave markets.

Who is Hillary Clinton?


This name and number refers to the speed of sound at sea level (~343 m/s).

What is Mach 1?


The two youngest aunts briefly stayed in this Southeast Asian country after fleeing from Vietnam

What is Thailand?


French for “under vacuum”, this cooking method cooks vacuum sealed food to a precise temperature in a water bath

What is sous vide?


England invented the game of soccer, and showed their dominance by winning the FIFA World Cup this many times.

What is 1?


This former California governor and US Supreme Court Chief Justice, most known for Brown v. Board of Education, supported the forced removal and internment of 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent during WWII.

Who is Earl Warren?


This phenomenon occurs when all the particles in a fluid are flowing smoothly at the same velocity.

What is laminar flow?


The number of third generation, or “children of cousins”, in the family (hint: it’s an even number)

What is 10?


In order to get the desirable crust, chefs apply extreme heat to steaks to cause this chemical reaction between amino acids and a reducing sugar

What is the Maillard reaction?


This English actor won an Oscar in 2017 for playing Winston Churchill.

Who is Gary Oldman?


Colin Powell went before the UN security council to claim that Saddam Hussein had acquired this weapons material, which served as justification for the invasion of Iraq.

What is yellow cake uranium?


This apparatus is typically mounted on the nose of fighter jets and is used to measure both static pressure and dynamic pressure.

What is a pitot tube?


Not only did the family spend a summer camping trip in a houseboat on it, this body of water is the second largest man-made reservoir by maximum water capacity in the US

What is Lake Powell?


In the ancient mesoamericas, this process of soaking maize in an alkaline solution was make it easier to grind and increase its nutritional value; the word shares its origins with “tamale”

What is nixtamalization?