Family Conflict
Family Rules
Coping Skills
Your Family

Name one thing that you fight with someone in your family about: 

Any honest answer 


Name one family rule that your family has: 

Examples: No feet on the furniture, ask before playing outside or riding your bike, no phones after 8pm)


When someone is _______, they might yell, grunt, or get red. 

What is angry/mad

One thing you can do to calm down when frustrated: 

Some examples: Take a deep breath, walk away from the situation, close your eyes and ground yourself, distract yourself with something else and come back to it, ask for help


What do you most love about your family?

Anything positive is the right answer! :) Negative answers get no points. 

You get your phone taken away for a week for talking back to your mom. What is the best way to respond?

Stay calm, listen, and be respectful. 

What is a family rule that you dislike? 

Your choice! 


Your mom tells you that you cannot play a videogame because you did not do your chores. You are so angry that you want to throw something or hurt someone. What should you do? 

First find a way to calm down (take a breath, go for a walk, etc.) Then, find a way to make the situation better -- do your chores, apologize to mom, and then find something else to do if you are unable to play the game. 

Two things that help you feel better when sad or upset: 

Examples: calling a friend, remembering happy memories, going outside, writing a gratitude list. 


What is something fun that you can do with your family? 

Any real and fun activity is good! 

Someone in your family is using the TV in the living room but you want to watch something else. They refuse to turn the channel or watch what you want. What should you do? 

Use a different TV, tablet, or computer. Find something else to do. Work out a way next time so you both have time to watch things you want. 


What is a family rule that you think you need?

Your choice! 


Your mom worked all day then came home to make dinner and asked you to clean your room 3 times but you are busy on your phone. The dog had an accident all over the house and while she was cleaning that up, dinner burned in the oven. How might she be feeling?

Stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, tired


When your sisters are annoying you, what can you do? 

Examples: Ask them to stop, go to your own space/room, ask for space, put your headphones on


What do you want to change about your family? 

Any honest answer is good. 


You have your daily chores to do but have no energy to do them. What should you do? 


Start doing them and hopefully gain the energy. Ask for help. Ask to take some time to rest and then do them later. 


What family rule have you broken before? 

Any honest answer is good 


What are some signs that a person might be feeling sad or depressed? 

Not getting out of bed, crying, low mood, no energy, does not enjoy things like they used to


When is it most hard for you to use coping skills? 

Any honest answer gets you points!


What's your favorite memory of your mom? 

Any memory gets you points!


No one in your family is giving you any attention and you feel bored. You ask them to do a few different things with you but they say no to every one. You call text some friends but no one responds. You feel lonely. What can you do? 

Tell your family that you are feeling lonely and bored and would like some support. Find something to do that is enjoyable to do alone. 


Clarissa is grounded. She was supposed to be home by 10pm and did not come home until midnight. What family rule did she break? 



Name 5 positive emotions. 

Happy, joyful, confident, excited, energetic, proud, loved, hopeful, etc. 


Name a time where you used a healthy coping skill and how it went for you.

Any honest answer gets you points! 


What are you grateful for about your family? 

Any real answer gets you 500 points!