what is the question dad asks goldie
what is "why does your face look like a pile of doody"
what food did arlene and david get in a yelling match over
what are peppers
what is one of ava's favorite nicknames for lily
what is baldy or louis long lobe
what was the name of lily's imaginary boyfriend, brother, and bunny
who is toby gabruise fiben
whats a song we use often in songkran that starts with the letter e
what is everybody hurts, electric avenue, everybody wants to rule the world, etc
who added the "bear" to goldie's name
who is ava
who was patient zero for the horrible stomach bug everyone got
who is noah
what was the first thing ava did when she got to california
what is eat at sushirito
who are the three main imaginary friends of lily
mrs grimmins, toby, and clippy
what emojis did grandma use that confused lily when she got the text
what is farmer emoji rice emoji
what 2 family members knew goldie was our puppy the first time we saw her
who was one person that never got sick from the horrible stomach disease we all got
who is grammy/mom
what was ava's halloween costume for 4 years in a row
what is a unicorn
who was a character in lily's drawing book best known for a facial feature of his
who is rectangle mouf
what does dad call uno
what is ooncie or ih1c
what is the first name dad wanted to name mei mei
what/who is miss bitz
who is the family member dad kissed on the lips at the most recent bar mitzvah
who is marvin
what does ava tell people dad's job is because she doesn't really know what his actual job is called
what is a lawyer
what year did lily go bald
what is 2020
what would ava's name be if she was born a boy
what/who is jackson dean
what grades were ava and lily when we got mei mei
what is 3rd grade and preschool
what was ellie's batmitzvah theme
what is soccer
about how many songs has ava written
what is 100
what/who is mooshy
what was the name of the 2 games ava, brooklyn, and gavin played when she was in elementary school
what is cheetah clan and haunted blankie