This person loves pink and likes to wear sparkly crocs.
Skylar Brietzke
How many years were Marietta and Robert married?
43 years
When is Jonas' birthday (year included)?
When is Grandpa's death anniversary?
November 11th, 2021
What city was Jeff born in?
San Antonio
This person was dragged in a rice sack for ditching class.
Luewa Chan
Who’s older, Ryan or Eric?
Name everyone who's birthday is in December.
(Antonio, Lormie, Desean, Christine, Ryan, Eric)
What destination do Lani and Tony travel to every year to celebrate their anniversary?
Which in-law jumped on a lit grill and burned their stomach?
Kevin Cubilla
This person has a fear of rubber snakes.
How many family members are left-handed?
5 (Christine, Antonio, Lormie, Arjay, Jeff)
Which two people have the closest birthdays together?
Elizabeth Nicole Chan Sunga and Trinity Paige Escorpiso
When is Belinda and Jose's Wedding Anniversary?
Valentines Day 1998, they have been married for 25 years
Where did (most) of the family first meet Aiden?
Hannah's Basketball Game
This person can fly a plane.
Kevin Sunga
Name all of the States besides California that our family members have lived in.
Virginia (Cindy and Ryan), Georgia (Jose, Lormie), and Washington (Hannah).
What year was Grandpa born?
When did we welcome Cherrie to Stockton?
December 24th, 2022
What family function was Desean introduced to the family?
Christmas Eve 2018
This person was born in the Bronx, New York
Without looking, what is the name of the family group chat, IN CORRECT ORDER!!!!!
The Chan-Brietzke-Escorpiso-Petate-Sunga-Cubilla-Vongphang-Formoso TRIBE
What was Maverick's 1st Birthday Party theme?
Mickey Mouse
When did Grandma immigrate to Stockton?
May 1979
This is the song that was playing when Ryan proposed to Cindy.
Marry Me by Jason Derulo