Posse Love
Logger Logic
Seattle Savvy
The Bay

The year the Posse Foundation was founded. 

What is 1989?


This is the mascot for the University of Puget Sound.

What is Grizz the Logger?


This Seattle farmer's market is the longest continuously operating market in the U.S. 

What is Pike Place Market?


These area codes are the two most well-known in San Francisco and Oakland. 

What is 415 & 510?


This rap artist used to be an actor on a show called “Degrassi”.

Who is Drake?


This is what PCT stands for.

What is Pre-Collegiate Training?


Unlike a research university, this type of college emphasizes undergraduate study in the arts and general sciences. Such colleges aim to impart broad knowledge and develop general intellectual capacities, unlike a professional or vocational curriculum. 

What is a liberal arts college/university?


This hit drama tv show takes place in Seattle.

What is Grey’s Anatomy?


This slang word is used for emphasis and sometimes used to quantify large amounts. It was recently entered into the Oxford Dictionary. 

What is Hella?


The definition of this term is a form of boycott in which someone, typically a celebrity, has shared a questionable opinion, or again, has had problematic behavior called out on social media. 

What is cancelled?


Not a program made for followers, Posse is this kind of scholarship.

What is leadership/ a leadership scholarship?


Puget Sound is the only independent national undergraduate liberal arts college in the Pacific Northwest with these two Schools. 

What is the School of Music and the School of Business and Leadership.


This attraction/ride is located on Elliot Bay in Seattle, stands at a 175 foot high, and opened in 2012. 

What is the Seattle Great Wheel?


This city is where Bay native and Hip Hop star, E-40, grew up and resided for much of his life.

What is Vallejo?


This annual event on the Nickelodeon cable channel was designed to encourage children and parents to turn off the television and play together, especially outdoors.

What is the (Nickelodeon) Worldwide Day of Play?


Posse has offices in these three cities.

What is Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, and Washington, D.C.?


UPS was founded in this year.

What is 1888?


This Seattle structure was the tallest building built for the 1962 World’s Fair.

What is the Space Needle?


This South Bay city was previously known as our State Capital.

What is San Jose?


This man got famous from WWE. His famous saying is “You can’t see me”.

Who is John Cena?


Posse’s recruitment process, in which over 1,000 Bay Area students were nominated for 40 scholarships, is known by this 3-letter acronym

What is DAP?


The year that the University of Puget Sound partnered with the Posse Foundation

What is 2015?


 More people use this form of transportation to work in Seattle than any other similar-sized U.S city

What is bicycling?


Four of the Five ending points of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). 

What is Richmond, Millbrae, Antioch, Dublin/Pleasanton Berryessa/ North San Jose?


The precursor to Tiktok, this short-form video hosting service where users could share 6-second looping video clips was founded this year

What is 2013?