What Pr 1:22 calls those who go against God’s righteous standards
What is "foolish?"
The prophet who met Paul at Philip's home.
Who is Agabus?"
This memorial emblem stands for the "blood of the covenant."
What is the wine?
Pr 1:8 "Listen ... to the ___ of your father, And do not forsake the ___ of your mother
What is "discipline" and "instruction [or law]?"
Praumacen [place, Greek testament]
What is Capernaum?
Ps 148:1, 10—In what sense do “winged birds” praise Jehovah?
What is by their very structure and their complex design?
Holy spirit said that Paul would be mistreated in this city.
What is "Jerusalem?"
Why Jesus didn't allow the Jews to make him king.
What is "he would be participating in politics?"
Ps 147:4 - He ____ the number of the stars; He ____ all of them by name.
What is "count" and "calls?"
Osletaim [place, Greek testament]
What is Ptolemais?
Ps 140:3—Why David likens the tongue of evil men to that of a serpent?
What is because lying & slander is like deadly venom to one's reputation?
Proof that Philip the evangelizer spiritually built up his household.
What is that he had four daughters who were prophets?
Type of ministry that gives everyone an opportunity to hear the Kingdom message.
What is "house-to-house?"
Ps 146:5 - _____ is the one who has the God of Jacob as his helper
What is "Happy?"
Hmyitto [male, Greek testament, faithful]
Who is Timothy?
Ps 139:21, 22—Are Christians required to forgive everyone?
We aren't required to forgive those practicing malicious, unrepentant sin—Heb 10:26-31; Ps 139:21, 22.
Did Paul run from persecution?
What is "No, Paul took measures to protect himself – when it didn't conflict with God's will for him.
He was also a musician, a poet, a warrior, and a prophet.
Who is "David?"
Why nervousness participating in a meeting can be a good sign?
What is it can "indicate that you're humble, viewing others as superior to you?"
Sruacsatrih [male, Greek testament, faithful]
What is Aristarchus?
Ps 135:1, 5—Why the expression “Jah” is often used in the Bible?
What is "Jah is linked with rejoicing over victory and deliverance, or praise of God’s power?"
Name of the boy who fell out the window and was resurrected by Paul
What is "Eutychus?"
This deliverer was a prophet, a judge, a commander, and a historian.
Who is Moses?
Ps 136:23 - He remembered us when we were low, For his ___ ___ endures forever
What is "loyal love"?
Sabmlao [male, Heb testament, unfaithful]
What is "Absalom?"