this shoe brand is used for wide range sports teams all over the world such as basketball football rugby etc.
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a cop and a dog who got injured in a explosion but put parts of their body together
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this miracle happened when the Israelites had to get away from pharaoh and across a great sea
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this shoe is named after a big cat
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they recently made a movie about this toy story character that tells his origin story...
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kids who have to survive when there's nobody else on earth
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the miracle in which Jesus raised a man from the dead
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the shoe has a famous basketball player jumping
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the Holy Spirit
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this movie is based on the once and future king and the stories of merlin and king Arthur
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a really "groovy" cat.
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the miracle when Jesus fed a crowd
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two friends who hypnotize their principal
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the first miracle performed by Jesus at the wadding feast at Canaan
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