What is Abuelita's favorite drink at home?
Arizona Green Tea
Who is the best cook in the family?
Tio Rey
Where does Nikki work right now?
Louis Vuitton
Who was flipped over on the kayak? And who flipped that person over?
Tia Jeanette was flipped over, Zach flipped her over.
What state is Ben from?
What is Abuelita's maiden name?
Who has the most children?
Tio Mario and Tia Jeanette
What was Amanda's first job?
Who has the most tattoos?
How do you spell Nikki's boyfriend's name?
How many siblings does Abuelita have?
How many teachers are in the family? Name them.
3 (Tia Denise, Zach, Claudia)
Who had the most toys growing up?
Who was the first one to leave California?
What is Amanda's boyfriend's name?
What city was Abuelita born in?
Trujillo, Peru
How many birthdays are in December? Name them.
4 (Tia Judy, Rio, Jesus, Valeria)
What instrument did Sydney play in high school marching band?
Trombone / Flute
Who has been 'arrested'?
Where did Ben propose to Claudia?
Santa Barbara
Name one of Abuelita's doctors.
Dr. Clarizio
Dr. Fischer
Dr. Hanson Lee
Dr. Patel
How many of us are still in school? Name them.
5 (Nikki, Amanda, Jade, Hendrix, Rio)
Who worked for Tio Rey at Fix Whittier Auto Body?
Who has been married the longest?
Tio Rey and Tia Judy (33 years!)
On what date are Natalia and Riley getting married?
May 24, 2025