Who is my cousin's sister called?
ma cousine
What is my Dad in French?
mon père
Who is my brother's mom?
notre mère / ma mère
What do you call your sibling's son?
mon neveu
Who am I to my Mom
ma Fille/ mon fils
How do you say legal Guardian?
ma tutrice/ mon tuteur
How do you say extended family in French?
La famille élargie
What does a grandpa call his grand son?
mon petit-fils
What do you call a female cousin
ma cousine
What do I call my Mom's Grandparents?
mes arrière-grand-parents
Who is my cousin's mother?
ma tante
What does my Aunt call her twin girls?
mes jumelles
If am married what do I call the person I'm married to?
mon mari ou ma femme
What is a foster family in French?
une famille d'accueil
What does my mom call my dad's dad?
mon beau-père
What do you call a single child?
un enfant unique
What is my mom's mom's sister?
ma grand-tante
What do I call the person who takes care of me when my parents are gone ?
Ma nounou/ma babysitter
My cousin and I both call these people the same thing =
nos grands-parents
What is my grandma's grandma's name