
I GREW UP in Montevideo, and when I was 25 I came to Mexico City.

a. to remove or make shorter, using scissors or a knife

b. to gradually become an adult

c. to spend time with someone

b. to gradually become an adult


My grandmother BROUGHT her children UP all by herself... that's why they love her so much.

a. to spend time with someone

b. to look after a child until he/she is an adult  

c. to gradually have a less close relationship

b. to look after a child until he/she is an adult


My dogs look so similar that I usually MIX them UP.

a. to spend time with someone

b. to gradually become an adult

c. to think one person/thing is another person/thing

c. to think one person/thing is another person/thing


My mother told me to GET TOGETHER this Friday, but I have my best friend's birthday party!

a. to think one person/thing is another person/thing

b. to gradually become an adult

c. to meet (when you have organised it before)

c. to meet (when you have organised it before)


My best friends really loved each other, but they started GROWING APART... and I don't know why.

a. to gradually have a less close relationship

b. to remove or make shorter, using scissors or a knife

c. to spend time with someone

a. to gradually have a less close relationship


Sarah TAKES AFTER her father... they look very similar and they both like reading and playing tennis.

a. to gradually become an adult 

b. to be similar to an older member of the family

c. to make a phone call to someone

b. to be similar to an older member of the family


Susan RINGS her boyfriend UP every night. 

a. to make a phone call to someone

b. to spend time with someone

c. to be similar to an older member of the family

a. to make a phone call to someone


Once the steak is out of the oven, it's very tempting to cut off a piece and try.

a. to make a phone call to someone

b. to gradually become an adult

c. to remove something using a sharp implement

c. to remove something using a sharp implement


John is a lonely boy but he likes to HANG OUT WITH his best friend, Peter.

a. to spend time with someone

b. to look after a child until he/she is an adult

c. to make a phone call to someone

a. to spend time with someone