Dysfunctional Families
You and Your Parents
Child Development
Parenting Skills

The type of family system are balanced and promote open communication, safety, and growth of family members.

What is a healthy family system.


True or false, all families have some dysfunction and there is no such thing as a "normal" family.



True or false, all tasks in childhood development need to be completed for them to move on to the next stage of development.

False, not ALL tasks must be completed to move onto the next stage, but it may cause problems in future stages of development.


What does it mean to you to express love to your children?

Anything goes.


This type of family system has closed communication and rigid, unrealistic, or inconsistent rules.

What is a dysfunctional family system.


This can be felt by a child due to parents leaving, dying, divorcing, exploiting, abusing them.

What is abandonment.

What is an example of an intellectual task in an infant, child, or adolescent?

Ex. Infant- Learning to speak.

Early childhood-Learn the relationship between cause and effect. ABCS, math.

Preadolescence- Learn to have deeper conversations. Read/write, math.

Adolescence- Start to think/talk like an adult.


True or false, physical punishment generally promotes fear, anxiety, depression, emotional turmoil, and behavioral problems among children.



An unhealthy way of coping within a family characterized by an obsession with the needs and behaviors of the addicted person and a tendency to deprive oneself to please the addicted person.

What is codependency.

What are the most common types of parenting styles that can contribute to the development of a substance use problem in a child?

What is parenting that is 

too strict, 

very harsh in punishment, 

very lenient, 

or having inconsistent rule enforcement.


What is an example of an emotional task in an infant, child, or adolescent?

Ex. Infant- To bond/emotionally attach to mother. 

Early childhood- Understanding feelings.

Preadolescence- Develop self image.

Adolescence- Develop independence/morals values.


Why is it important to establish a schedule for children?

Schedules help children understand the importance and value of organizing their time, 

creates structure,

and establishes clear and unchanging rules.

Name at least 2 of the 4 most common family roles.

What is the hero, the placater, the lost child, and the scapegoat.


Name one of the 6 types of father styles.

What is the absent father,

the distant dad,

the macho father, 

the buddy-type father,

the unpredictable father,

or the healthy father.


What is an example of a social task in an infant, child, or adolescent?

Ex. Infancy- Learning to trust others.

Early childhood-Form relationships.

Preadolescence- Develop honesty in healthy relationships.

Adolescence- Independence from parents. 


Researchers have found that the best way to encourage appropriate and healthy behavior is to _______ good behavior.

What is praise good behavior.


A state in which people are dependent on one another with open communication, shared decisions, joint action, trust, and concern for each other.

What is interdependence.


When a child has unpredictability in their family, it can cause them to have a hard time __________ as an adult.

What is trusting people.


Name at least 2 of the 3 types of tasks children should accomplish in early, childhood, preadolescence, adolescence, and adulthood stages?

What is emotional tasks, 

social tasks, 

and intellectual tasks.


The most effective way to help a child with their problem is to solve the problem _____ the child, and not ______ the child.

What is solving the problem WITH the child and not FOR the child.