Use this in a sentence: out of
A cat is getting out of a bag.
They have peaks. Everest is one of them.
Your brain is inside this part of your body.
your head.
There are seven of them in a week.
Your family doctor is also called ...(this)
physician, general doctor
Use this in a sentence: into
A man is putting groceries into his car.
Massive land, surrounded by oceans. There are seven of them. Africa is one of them.
7 continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.
Your fingers are part of this body part.
a hand, hands
There are 12 of them in a year.
You go to your family physician regularly for your routine ... up.
check up
Use this in a sentence: across
Children walking across the street.
Huge bodes of salty water between continents. There are 4 of them. Pacific is one of them.
4 oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, & Arctic
Your toes are part of this.
a foot, feet
There are sixty of them in one hour.
Your family physician runs ...(this) to diagnose a problem.
Use this in a sentence: along
A boy is running along the street.
Stream of water, running towards the sea, ocean, lake. Amazon is one of them.
Rivers are freshwater streams, that float (run) across the land.
A belly is in front of your body, also called ...(this)
abdomen, tummy, stomach
There are sixty of them in a minute.
When you physician prescribes you medication, he gives you ...(this). You take it to a pharmacy.
a prescription
Use this in a sentence: towards
He is walking towards the door.
small body of fresh (not salty) water, surrounded by land.
a lake, a pond, a pool, a puddle
The join between a hand and an arm. You put a watch on it.
a wrist
There are about four of them in a month.
Your physician refers you to another doctor, such as endocrinologist or cardiologist. What are these doctors called?
Use this in a sentence: away from
People are running away from a lion.
a piece of land in a middle of a sea, river, or lake, that is surrounded by water.
A joint in the middle of a leg. We use it to bend a leg.
a knee
There are 100 of them in a century.
Your physician asks you questions and runs the tests, because he needs to do this.
to diagnose the problem