Coping Skills
Myth or Fact
Trauma Symptoms

It is okay to say that I feel good even if something is bothering me.  

False - lack of communication most commonly causes misunderstandings and hard feelings which can lead to a breakdown of a relationship


It is okay for me to ask a person to respect my physical, as well as, emotional boundaries

True - whether I am a child or an adult, boundaries are my right to respect and safety


I should not have to use a coping skill just because someone else thinks that I should

True - I should engage coping skills because it is the healthy thing to do.  Using coping skills should be a skill that I have learned to help me in numerous situations


Myth or Fact: all kids who experience sexual abuse tell that they have been abused

Myth- 1 in 10 kids disclose sexual abuse and a recent study says that the average age of disclosure of sexual abuse is 52!


Name 3 trauma symptoms

Avoiding things that remind you of some aspect of the trauma, negative cognitions, self blame, guilt, hypervigilance, anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks, Hyper-arousal (increased heart rate, muscle tension & sweating), Hypervigilent (being on guard/alert mode and scanning the environment as if something bad is going to happen), Exaggerated startle response, Problems with concentration, Sleep disturbances, Being easily angered, Being overly watchful and alert to danger, Experiencing intense emotions


If I want to talk, I should always choose a trusted adult who will tell me how it is and not just what I want to hear

True - a trusted adult will always tell me the truth, even if the truth stings and makes me uncomfortable because truth is ultimately more healthy than pacifying my feelings


Parents/Caregivers should always set expectations, rules, and boundaries in clear and understandable language

True - If a parent/caregiver does not set expectations, rules, and boundaries, then a child cannot be expected to know what is expected of them


When should coping skills be used

Coping skills should be used any time I feel an escalation of emotions and feelings, whether negative or positive 


Myth or Fact: Kids know that there is always a better reason to tell about the abuse rather than keep it a secret.

Myth- Many kids keep the abuse a secret. What are a few of those reasons


Name 2 trauma triggers that might make someone remember something when they do not want to and are not trying.

  • Thinking or remembering the abuse when you’re doing something else

  • Having nightmares of the abuse

  • Feeling like you’re relieving the abuse (flashbacks)

  • Feeling upset after seeing, smelling, hearing, or thinking about something that reminds you of the abuse

  • Recurrent & involuntary memories of the abuse


The more I communicate with, the easier it becomes

Not necessarily.  I may become more comfortable with communicating but it may not always feel natural to me


Healthy boundaries should never involve the child.  The parent/caregiver should express what they want of the child.  

False - Healthy boundaries involve family discussion and compromise so that both the child and the parent/caregiver feel heard and understood


How many coping skills should I know

This varies on the person.  I should have a "bagful" of coping skills that I can utilize at any given time


Myth or Fact: Girls are usually the ones who get abused and it is way safer to be a boy.

Myth- Girls are more likely to report abuse but they are both abused at a similar rate.


What is one benefit to family counseling to address trauma and what is one way that family counseling is challenging for you?

This answer is open for discussion


If I communicate with a trusted adult, I avoid misunderstanding and possible hurt feelings

True - No one can know how I am feeling unless I tell them honestly what I am feeling


Asking friends to respect my boundaries is okay, even if they are not living in my household

True - healthy boundaries involve all persons in my life, not just in my household


Name 3 coping skills that I can use to help me de-escalate negative feelings

Deep Breathing, guided imagery, time out, hugging myself, walking away and taking time to myself, physical activity, phoning a friend, talking to a trusted friend/adult, coloring, drawing, shopping, take a drive in the car or on a bike, hiking, picking flowers, etc


Myth or Fact: Child sexual abuse must include intercourse to be reported.

Myth- Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse that includes sexual activity with a minor. A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period.


Name at least one negative thought related to trauma and why this thought may or may not be true?

It was my fault because I did not say no. 

I am damaged because of what happened to me.

I am not safe anywhere.

I should have done something.


I should always, at least, try to communicate.

True - No pain, no gain


Healthy boundaries should apply to physical touch, emotional care, financial matters, and social customs

True - boundaries are important in every aspect of my life in order for me to maintain respect for myself 


If I use a coping skill and it does not work, what should I do then

Try another until one of them work 


Myth or Fact:  Victims of sexual abuse will "get over it" even if they do not get therapy

Both - Some people may "get over" their sexual abuse but there are very few people who do.  It is known that 90% of sexual abuse victims will become healthier mentally with the proper therapy


What are the 3 instinctual fear responses that happen if someone is afraid? Which one do you mostly do?

Fight, Flight, Freeze