We are family
Positive Self Talk vs Negative Self Talk
Coping skills

What is healthy communication skills?

What is open-ended questions, active listening, using "I statements", being mindful of tone of voice, body language, and describe problem clearly?


What does "fighting fair" mean?

Keep your cool

be polite

don't bring up past things to use as ammunition

being assertive 


This causes bad thoughts in our head and ends up making the situation worse

What is negative self talk


What is a clue that you are happy?

I am focused, calm, confident, I have happy or positive thoughts, etc.


What is the coping skills where you smell the flowers and blow the candles? 

What is Deep breathing?


How should you talk to someone about a problem?

Discuss only one problem at a time and be specific


Being assertive and using "I" statements can help you keep a conversation or argument calm

True or False

True: using "I" statements keeps the conversation from becoming blaming or shaming and can help come up with a quicker resolution


This puts good thoughts in my head and helps me get through difficult situations

What positive self talk


Face might get red or feel hot, eyes might feel like "lasers", heart can beat fast, might sweat, voice might get louder, muscles tense, might notice hands in fists. Name that emotion.

angry, mad, furious, livid, frustrated, hateful

What is a coping skill?

A skill that you can use to manage your feelings


Change this into an "I" statement:

You always ignore me when I talk to you, all you do is stare at your phone

"I feel ignored when I don't have eye contact when I am talking.  I need eye contact to feel heard."


Landon and John were having an argument.  John brings up something that Landon did over 10 years ago, which makes Landon even more angry.  Landon then lashes out at John and calls him a "jerk"

What went wrong? 

They were not fighting fair


Telling myself "I can do this!" is an example of this

What is positive self talk


What is a clue that you are getting angry and it is time to use a coping skill?

frustrated, annoyed, irritated


When are breathing exercises useful?

Whenever you feel a strong emotion, especially anger, anxiety, stressed, or overwhelmed. 


True or False

Using text messages is a good way of confronting a person about a problem

False: reading text is not a full picture of what is being said.  Inferences on words, body language, tone etc. are all important in decoding what is being said.


How many family sessions have you had with Mrs. Adriana in the summer?



Telling myself "this is awful; I can't do this" is an example of this

What is negative self talk


How do we control emotions?

Use healthy coping skills such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, color breathing, talking to a healthy adult, friend, therapist, etc., counting to 10, taking a break or timeout, eating a healthy snack, drinking water, going for a walk, etc.


Name some coping skills that you are aware of.

Thank you for sharing! Examples of coping skills are progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, use of stress ball, talking to friends or healthy adults, taking a break, eating a snack, drinking water, count to 10, read a book, draw a picture, color, music, etc.


The most common form of communication including tone, facial expressions, body language and cadence.

What is non-verbal communication?


What are the 5 love languages there are? & which one is your love language and why?

Physical touch, acts of service, receiving gifts, words of affirmation, quality time


This would help me if I was feeling nervous about my first day of school

What is positive self talk

What is the name of the part of the brain that hijacks your ability to make good choices?



true or false: only kids, not adults, need to use coping skills 

What is false. Everyone needs to use coping skills.