If somebody is two-faced, they are...
somebody who acts differently to you than they do behind your back.
Somebody who is engaged is...
someone who has formally agreed to marry someone
To live up to means...
to fulfill expectations.
If somebody is "sharp as a tack", they are...
somebody who is smart.
Somebody who is related is...
connected by kinship or marriage
To act up means...
to behave badly or fail to function properly.
A Go-Getter is...
somebody who is determined to be successful — Ambitious
Somebody who is separated is...
not living with one's spouse or partner anymore
To take after means...
to resemble a parent or ancestor
An ordinary person is also known as an...
Average Joe
If you connect two things together, it can also be said that these two things are _________.
If your car has stopped working sometimes it is...
Acting up
A "Class Act" is what?
somebody who is exceptional in what they do—a classy person.
If you take something apart, you are ________ them.
If Igor's mom has green eyes and he has green eyes, he...
Takes after his mother.