Cain ain't Abel
Jehovah Hates Racism
Mary & Joseph

He was the brother whose offering was accepted by God.

Who is Abel? 

Genesis 4:4 

Personal Lesson: Sincerity and faith matter more than mere actions. When we give to Jehovah—whether our time, talents, or material resources—we should do so with the right heart.


This apostle declared that God is not partial and accepts people from all nations.

  • Answer: Who is Peter?
  • Scriptural Reference: (Acts 10:34, 35)
  • Personal Lesson: We should strive to view all individuals as Jehovah does, without partiality, embracing people from all backgrounds who seek to do what is right.


This scripture records Jesus stating that his followers are no part of the world.

  • Answer: What is John 17:16?
  • Personal Application: As followers of Christ, we should remain separate from worldly affairs, focusing instead on spiritual matters and our relationship with Jehovah.

This angel appeared to Mary to announce she would conceive Jesus.

  • Answer: Who is Gabriel?
  • Scriptural Reference: Luke 1:26, 27
  • Personal Application: Jehovah may present us with unexpected responsibilities. Embracing them with faith, as Mary did, can lead to blessings.

This apostle acknowledged feeling 'anxiety for all the congregations.

  • Answer: Who is Paul?
  • Scriptural Reference: 2 Corinthians 11:28
  • Personal Application: Even devoted servants of God experience anxiety; acknowledging it is the first step toward seeking support and relief.

The consequence Cain faced for his unacceptable offering.

What is becoming a restless wanderer on the earth?

Genesis 4:12

Personal Lesson: Disobedience leads to instability. If we try to serve Jehovah on our own terms, we may find ourselves spiritually lost and unfulfilled.


This apostle taught that God made no distinction between Jews and Gentiles, cleansing their hearts by faith.

  • Answer: Who is Peter?
  • Scriptural Reference: (Acts 15:9)
  • Personal Lesson: Faith, not ethnicity, is what makes us acceptable to Jehovah, encouraging us to view others through the lens of faith.

This verse advises Christians to be in subjection to superior authorities.

  • Answer: What is Romans 13:1?
  • Personal Application: While maintaining neutrality, we respect and obey governmental laws, provided they don't conflict with God's commands.

Mary's response to the angel's message demonstrated this quality

  • Answer: What is humility?
  • Scriptural Reference:  (Luke 1:38)
  • Personal Application: Submitting to Jehovah's will, even when it's challenging, shows humility and trust in His purpose.

This apostle advised to 'throw all your anxiety on God.

  • Answer: Who is Peter?
  • Scriptural Reference: 1 Peter 5:7 
  • Personal Application: Trusting in Jehovah's care allows us to offload our worries through prayer, finding comfort in His support.

The reason God favored Abel’s offering over Cain’s.

What is Abel’s faith and righteousness?

Hebrews 11:4  

Personal Lesson: True worship is not about rituals but about genuine faith and obedience. Our attitude toward Jehovah should be sincere, not just going through the motions.


This parable taught by Jesus illustrates who our neighbor is, transcending ethnic boundaries.

Answer: What is the Parable of the Good Samaritan?

    • Scriptural Reference: (Luke 10:29)
    • Personal Lesson: We should show compassion and assistance to all, regardless of their background, following the example of the Good Samaritan.



This passage emphasizes that our warfare is spiritual, not physical.

  • Answer: What is 2 Corinthians 10:4?
  • Personal Application: We engage in spiritual activities, such as preaching and teaching, rather than involving ourselves in political or military conflicts.

The town where Mary lived when the angel visited her.

  • Answer: What is Nazareth?
  • Scriptural Reference: Luke 1:26
  • Personal Application: Jehovah can call us to serve Him regardless of our background or location.

This counsel encourages focusing on today's concerns rather than worrying about tomorrow.

  • Answer: What is "Never be anxious about the next day"?
  • Scriptural Reference: (Matthew 6:34)
  • Personal Application: Concentrating on present tasks and challenges helps prevent the overwhelming burden of future worries.

The lesson we learn about the quality of offerings from Cain and Abel’s story.

Answer: What is that God values offerings made with genuine faith and righteousness over the mere act of offering? 

The Watchtower, 1999

Personal Lesson: We should examine our motives when we serve God. Are we doing things to be seen by others, or are we genuinely seeking His approval?  


This scripture emphasizes that all humans are made from one man, highlighting our shared ancestry.

  • Answer: What is Acts 17:26?
  • Personal Lesson: Recognizing our common origin fosters unity and discourages feelings of racial superiority or division.

These three Hebrews refused to bow to an image, demonstrating their loyalty to God over the king.

  • Answer: Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
  • Scriptural Reference:Personal Application: We must stand firm in our worship, not compromising our beliefs for societal or political demands.

The relative Mary visited after learning of her own miraculous pregnancy

  • Answer: Who is Elizabeth?
  • Scriptural Reference: Luke 1:39, 40
  • Personal Application: Seeking support from spiritually-minded family can strengthen our faith during significant life changes.

This proverb highlights that anxiety can weigh down the heart, but a good word cheers it up.

  • Answer: What is Proverbs 12:25?
  • Scriptural Reference: (Proverbs 12:25)
  • Personal Application: Offering kind and encouraging words to others can significantly uplift those burdened by anxiety.

The ultimate lesson from Abel’s righteous example

Answer: What is that Jehovah remembers and rewards those who serve Him faithfully?

Hebrews 11:6  

Personal Lesson: Even if others mistreat us, Jehovah values our loyalty. He never forgets our faithfulness.


This commandment emphasizes loving your neighbor as yourself.

What is Matthew 22:39?

  • Scriptural Reference: (Matthew 22:39)
  • Personal Lesson: Genuine love for others leaves no room for prejudice or discrimination.

This group in Revelation is described as not defiling themselves with false worship, maintaining spiritual purity.

  • Answer: Who are the 144,000?
  • Personal Application: We strive to keep ourselves free from any form of false worship or political entanglement, preserving our loyalty to Jehovah.

he decree that required Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem.

  • Answer: What is the census?
  • Scriptural Reference: Luke 2:1
  • Personal Application: Complying with governmental requirements aligns with Christian conduct, as long as they don't conflict with God's laws.

Jesus advised his followers to avoid undue worry about the future in this sermon.

  • Answer: What is the Sermon on the Mount?
  • Scriptural Reference: Matthew 6:34
  • Personal Application: Focusing on present responsibilities rather than future uncertainties can reduce unnecessary stress.

What God told Cain about his growing anger

Answer: What is "Sin is crouching at the door, but you must rule over it"? 

Genesis 4:7 

Personal Lesson: We must control our emotions before they control us. With Jehovah’s help, we can overcome sinful inclinations.


This future vision describes a great crowd from all nations worshiping Jehovah together.

What is Revelation 7:9? 

  • Personal Lesson: Jehovah's purpose includes a diverse congregation unified in worship, setting an example for us to embrace diversity in our communities.

This early Christian refused to take part in a violent uprising, highlighting his non-violent stance.

  • Answer: Who is Jesus?
  • Personal Application: Following Jesus' example, we reject violence, even when provoked, trusting in Jehovah's justice.
  • (Matthew 26:52)

The king who sought to kill the infant Jesus.

  • Answer: Who is Herod?
  • Scriptural Reference: Matthew 2:13
  • Personal Application: Being vigilant against threats to our spiritual well-being helps us remain faithful.

This scripture advises not to be anxious over anything but to pray for everything.

  • Answer: What is Philippians 4:6?
  • Personal Application: Cultivating a habit of thankful prayer can help alleviate feelings of anxiety.