Drugs and Adolescents
Relapse Signs & Recovery
Boundaries, Limits, Authority, and Discipline
Communication, Conflict Resolution, and Fighting Fair
Family Dynamics

With effects like flushed face, vessel dilation, and loss of motor control this substance acts as a depressant. Causing blue clammy skin, shallow respiration, weak pulse, arrested cardiac functioning during an overdose. The chances of forming dependence are moderate to high partially due to it's socially acceptable nature. 

What is Alcohol?


This is a plan that ensures your continued sobriety after completing treatment that identifies triggers, coping mechanisms and safe contacts to utilize in the event you consider using again. 

What is a Relapse Prevention Plan?


These are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships.

What is a boundary?


This type of communicator avoids conflict at all costs, even if it means that their needs are not being met. They can sometimes be called a people pleaser. 

What is a passive communicator?


This role shelters and shields the substance-abusing family members, makes excuses for and may lie to protect the substance abuser, minimizes negative consequences, blames others for the problems, sometimes sabotages progress toward recovery.

Who is the Chief Enabler?


With effects like relaxation, euphoria, alteration of inhibitions this substance can have both stimulant and depressant effects. Causing drowsiness; impaired coordination; confused speech; eyes red, but pupils appear normal; coughing; dry mouth and throat with chronic use. The chances of forming dependence are moderate to high. 

What is Marijuana?


This is an unexpected event that occurs that causes thoughts related to using substances again.

What is a trigger?


When you are overly involved with other people, have a hard time saying no, and feel disconnected from your own identity it is a sign that you have these boundaries.

What are porous (unhealthy) boundaries?


This type of communicator demands what they need despite possibly damaging their relationships with others. 

What is an aggressive communicator?


This family role is a high achiever, excels, leads, is very busy, takes on many tasks, almost never says no, responds to adults, is controlling.

Who is the The Family Hero?


With effects that vary from relaxation and euphoria to vivid distortions; paranoia; psychosis; visual, tactile, auditory, and olfactory hallucinations; altered perceptions; breakdown of inhibitions; dilated pupils; mood swings, these substances change the user's brain functioning. Long term use can cause: memory disturbances, speech problems, anxiety, extremely violent behavior, paralysis, death occurring from both accidents and overdose, increased delusions, panic, psychosis, emotional breakdown, brain damage. 

What are hallucinogens? 


These are the skills you will utilize to prevent relapse while dealing with triggers.

What are coping skills?


When you are isolated and closed off from others, reluctant to share how you are feeling it is a sign that you have these types of boundaries.

What are rigid (unhealthy) boundaries?


This type of communicator hints at what they want, and acts out their feelings rather than communicating them out loud causing confusion.

What is a passive-aggressive communicator?


This family role rebels, tests limits, breaks rules, usually gets in trouble, acts aggressively and angrily; uses substance abuse as an outlet and relief from pain; sometimes uses extreme language and behaves and dresses inappropriately (but usually has the most realistic picture of the family).

Who is The Family Scapegoat?


With effects like euphoria, relaxation, violent behavior, hallucinations, alcohol-like high this substance can cause immediate and severe damage to the brain. Chronic use/overdose effects: numbness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, tremors, memory loss, visual impairment, possible respiratory arrest, coma, death. 

What are inhalants?


This is the process that you go through while gaining sobriety. It involves rebuilding the relationships that you lost, apologizing and making amends, and leaving the past behind. 

What is Recovery?


When you are able to say no, can communicate how you feel, and your relationships are natural and easy it is a sign you have these types of boundaries. 

What are healthy boundaries? 

This type of communicator is clear with their intentions, and makes a direct request when they need something. 

What is an assertive communicator?


This family role is quiet, is a daydreamer, isolates himself or herself, fantasizes, avoids conflict, is passive and feels loneliness, fear, unworthiness, and inadequacy.

Who is the Lost Child?


With effects like depressed central nervous system and respiration system, slows heartbeat rate, and relaxes muscles these substances can be very dangerous. Chronic use/overdose causes: rapid physical and psychological dependence, addiction with severe withdrawal symptoms, loss of appetite, death from overdose. 

What are Depressants?


This is the most difficult thing to recover once someone has used substances. Usually, it impacts their relationships with their families, friends, and significant others. 

What is trust?


When you have self-control and are able to follow rules set for you, it is a sign that you have this.

What is Discipline? 


This is the process of ending a dispute and reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties involved. 

What is conflict resolution?

This family role acts as class clown, seeks attention through humor and acting out, uses humor to keep people at a distance, is seldom serious.

Who is the Family Mascot?