Symbolic Interactionism Theory
Structural Functionalism Theory
Family Systems Theory
All of the theories!

What is the definition of salience? 

The importance one places on their different roles. 


What is the definition of role making? 

Defining and communicating one's role to others.


Which of the following were the three types of basic family types defined by boundaries in your reading?

A) Flexible
B) Open
C) Entropy
D) Closed
E) Random 

B) Open 

D) Closed
E) Random 


When we use the concept and idea of "meaning" - which theory are we referring to?

A) Structural Functionalism Theory
B) Family Systems Theory
C) Symbolic Interactionism

C) Symbolic Interactionism


The two critiques, "the concepts are too vague and poorly defined" relate to which theory? 

A) Symbolic Interactionism Theory
B) Structural Functionalism Theory
C) Family Systems Theory

A) Symbolic Interactionism Theory


If you were a parent, and you were trying to listen to your child in order to understand things from their perspective (knowingly or unknowingly) which theory would best be used for this?

A) Family Systems Theory
B) Symbolic Interactionism Theory
C) Structural Functionalism Theory

B) Symbolic Interactionism


What is the definition of innovation? 

When people do ridiculous things to keep up the appearances and keep up balance in their family. (Example of Sister Strickland's client, or example of people at church who are struggling, but make things seem perfect in their church meetings).


What are the three assumptions of family systems theory that Sister Strickland mentioned in her Exam 2 review video? 

1. Individuals can best be understood in the context of the family they originate from.
2. Families are self-regulating systems influenced by feedback.
3. Pathology is seen to come from the system dysfunction


Which theory are we referring to when we say that individuals can best be understood in the context of the family they originate from?

A) Structural Functionalism Theory
B) Family Systems Theory
C) Symbolic Interactionism Theory

Family Systems Theory


What is a perverse triangle? 

Where person A is a person that has more authority or is on a different power level than the other two people.
For example, an older sister is wanting to get her younger brother in trouble with her dad. She gets her dad on her side, so it becomes the dad and older sister v. the younger brother. This is seen a lot in unhealthy relationships.


If a parent wants to spend more time with their friends than with their kids, what are they most likely experiencing?

Role Conflict 

What is the meaning of equilibrium?

Family members tend to function best when things are in balance. 


What is the main purpose of feedback loops?

Define positive and negative feedback. 

To maintain homeostasis.

Positive feedback - push for change.
Negative feedback - no change. 


True or False - when referring to the Symbolic Interaction Theory, anything can be thought of as a symbol?



The assumption that any human system will resist change and that family members tend to function best when things are in balance is representative of which of the following theories?

A) Family Development Theory
B) Social Exchange Theory
C) Structural Functionalism Theory

C) Structural Functionalism Theory


From what we learned about George Mead's - the "I" and the "me" - what is the difference between the two? 

The "I" - spontaneous, impulsive, and unpredictable. Reaction at the time of the event.

The "me" - the action preceded by thought. 


The role is or is not congruent with one's identity is the definition for which concept?

Self-Role Incongruence or Congruence  


What is the meaning of equifinality?

This is the idea that if there is something going on with the family it doesn't really matter what you fix first.


In the Family Systems Theory, when referring to equilibrium, what does this concept mean? 

Family members tend to function best when things are in balance. 


What did Charles Cooley mean when termed the phrase - "The Looking Glass-Self"

We understand ourselves through how other people react to us.


What paradigm is the symbolic interactionism theory associated with? 

The interpretative paradigm. 


Take a couple minutes by yourself to match the following terms to the appropriate definitions:

Role Strain, Role Conflict, Role Dissensus or Consensus

A) Agreement or disagreement on what constitutes appropriate behavior for a role.
B) Difficulty in enacting one's role due to multiple demands and insufficient resources.
C) Possessing multiple roles, each one having different competing expectations.

Role Strain - (B) Difficulty in enacting one's role due to multiple demands and insufficient resources.
Role Conflict - (C) Possessing multiple roles, each one having different competing expectations.
Role Dissensus or Consensus - (A) Agreement or disagreement on what constitutes appropriate behavior for a role.


What is a first order change? 

"Bandaid fix" - no longterm results. 


When we are talking about the different roles in the family, which theory are we referring to? 

A) Structural Functionalism Theory
B) Family Systems Theory
C) Symbolic Interactionism Theory

A - Structural Functionalism Theory


What did Sister Strickland say we needed to remember about the article, The Deinstitutionalization of American Marriage, in her exam 2 review? 

This article suggests that many people are still get married, which proves that there are still benefits to getting married, and many needs are being met for people through marriage.