How old was Abraham when he discovered God was gifting him a son?
What does Isaac's name mean?
How many children did Jacob have?`
Where in the birth order of sons is Reuben
Why was it bad to marry a Canaanite woman?
They didn't worship Yahweh
What did God do when he was telling Abraham the promise?
He went out and shoed Abraham the stars in the sky
How did Isaac meet his wife?
The servant was sent by Abraham to find Isaac a wife in his homeland and whoever offered the camel, and the servant water was to be Isaacs wife.
What does Jacob's name mean?
Heel Gripper
What was Reuben's main role in the household?
Caretaker of his mother, Leah.
Where did Jacob stop on his way to his uncle & what happened there?
Bethel & God gave him a dream of a staircase promising protection from Esau if he carried out the promise He made to Abraham long ago.
What did God ask Abraham to do?
What was Isaac's job?
He was a shepherd and farmer
Where did Jacob grow up?
What does Reuben's name mean?
Behold a son
What were Joseph's sons name?
Ephriam and Manasseh
Who was Abraham's nephew?
Who were Isaac's sons?
Jacob & Esau
How many years in total did Jacob work for his uncle?
What is the henhouse act that caused Reuben his birthright blessing?
He took advantage of Bilhah (explain why)
What was the name of the man that raped Dinah? (give full story)
What were Abraham and Sarah's birth names?
Abram & Sarai
How old was Isaac before he died and what did he suffer from?
180 & blindness
What was Jacob's uncles name?
What fruit did Reuben bring home to help his mother concieve children?
What items did Tamar have to prove the Judah was the one who paid her for her services?
A chord, ID and staff