What was the last surah revealed in the Quran?
Surat Al-Nasr
What was the name of the daughter of Ali bin Abi Talib which Umar ibn Al-Khattab married?
Umm Kulthum
What is the coldest and driest place on Earth?
What can be broken but never held?
A promise
What is lighter than what it is made of?
Alcohol, sacrificing on idols, divining arrows, and ______ is haram according to Surah Maidah, verse 90?
Syria was conquered during _______ caliphate
Abu Bakr RA
What are the 5 oceans of the world?
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Antarctic
What king can you make if you take
the head of a lamb
the middle of a pig
the hind of a buffalo
and the tail of a dragon?
Lion (King of the Jungle)
(10)2 - (100/20)0 = ?
Name all the prophets and their nations in Surah Hud in order
Nuh, Hud(Ad), Salih(Thamud), Ibrahim, Lut (Sodom), Shu’ayb(Madyan), Musa(Bani Israel)
He is considered the orator of the prophets
Shu’ayb AS
True or False: There are only two mammals that can fly
False: Only one, The bat
What does everyone wait for, but when it comes, you still have to wait?
This is the study of how objects move when forces act on them
Which four Prophets are direct descendants?
Ibrahim > Ishaq > Yaqub > Yusuf
This Imam’s most important work is Kitab-ul-Muatta
Imam Maalik ibn Anas
Hypochondria is the fear of?
A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?
His Son
Name all the organs that remove waste
Kidney, large intestine, liver, skin and lungs
How many prostrations are there in the Quran?
What are the five traits unique to prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
1.Fear in the enemy
2.Earth as a place of worship
3.Spoils of war are lawful
5.Sent to all mankind
How many joints are there in the human body?
What is next in this sequence of numbers: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, ______?
13112221. Each sequence of numbers is a verbal representation of the sequence before it
What are the five modalities of taste?
Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savory (umami)