Who in this family complained about having 2 zebra cakes?
Who is Raiden
What room is the most messy in our house?
What is the laundry room
What food do we eat the most in this house?
What are roast(sandwiches)
What do the boys enjoy when it comes to video games?
What is Roblox and fortnite
In what year will mom be 67?
When is 2053
How old was mom when she had Kodi?
What is 23
Who is our landlord?
What is Raiden's favorite ice cream flavor?
What is mint(chocolate chip)
What is mom's favorite hobby? (2)
How many Galinda dolls does Braxtyn have?
What is 3
Who loves the smell of Happy Meals?
Who is Kamdyn
What do Raiden and Kodi call their room?
What is Roomie
Who in this family eats the LEAST amount of meat?
Who is Braxtyn
Who is the weirdo who Faces-times us every night?
Who is Jericho
How old will Raiden be when Kodi is 60?
What is 57 or 58
What was Braxtyn's original favorite color BEFORE pink?
What is orange
What color is the fridge in this house?
What is black
What is Grandpas place to be on his birthday?
What is crazy horse
What singer does braxtyn LOVEEEE!!!???
Who is Taylor Swift
What grade was Alaiyah in when COVID-19 happened?
What is 7th grade
Who weighed the most as a baby?
Who is Kodi?
How many TVs are inside our house?
What is 6
What is Raiden's favorite food?
What is chicken Alfredo
What is Raiden's favorite thing to do in the summer?
What is going swimming
In what year did Mom get married to Dad?(Chase)
When is 2008