Can you complete this sentence? A touchdown is worth __________ points.
What is 6 points, not including the extra point or the 2-point conversion
Teri and Maxine seem to always be fighting about something
What is Teri and Maxine
Name all of the Big Dad's Siblings
What is Ted, Ivory, Dean, Margie,Ruth,Harold Cylde, Beatrice, Leslie, warren.
Which fictional city is the home of Batman
What is Gotham City.
Who was appointed from God, to be the "Father of many nations"?
What is the line of scrimmage?
What is An imaginary line at which the defensive and offensive players meet before a play begins.
Big Mama had to get her leg cut off becuase blood wasn't circulating to it. Unfortunatly, she suffered a stroke and fell into a coma during surgery. She ended up dying
What is her leg
Which Uncle famous saying is YOU Betcha your BOOTS
What is Warren
Spinach is high in which mineral?
What is Iron.
Who was the Apostle, when he saw Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead, was skeptical that it was the Jesus Christ when seeing him in person?
Apostle Thomas (doubting Thomas)
How late can your team be to a game without forfeiting the game/match?
What is Game time is forfeit time
What are the names of Big Mama's three daughters?
What is Teri, Maxine & Bird
What is the Mallory Family Secret Language
What is Pig Latin.
Babe Ruth is associated with which sport?
What is Baseball
Who Wrote the the majority of books in the new testament
What is PAUL
Can quarterbacks not run with the ball?
What is Quarterbacks can run with the ball! Do you not know the rules? After counting 7 steambolts, they can run if they do not see anyone open, or if they choose to run!
Uncle Pete is seen for the first time when Maxine goes to the house after Big Mama has died. She sees him in the dining room and he confuses Maxine with Big Mama, as he recalls their fishing trips when they were children. Maxine helps him understand that she is Big Mama's daughter.
What is his sister
How Did Larry Mallory Sr announce himself if he had to leave a message on the phone
What is This is your Big Dad.
What was Mohammed Ali’s birth name?
What is Cassius Clay.
What are the 5 law books in the Old Testament.
What is Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Leviticus
How many players are on the field during a play?
What is 22
With help from Teri, Bird was able to open up her own salon.
What is Granny Mary, know for saying every morning she called for Prayer
What is Are you ready to give the Lord a Full day.
On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
What is Mount Sinai.