These common flowers are yellow and turn to face the sun
This restaurant, located on Clayton Road, is in the center of Ladue and known for their tacos.
Ladue Taco
This trip included a one night stop in Atlanta, followed by clear blue waters outside of the country
The Bahamas Trip
This man is considered to be the best quarterback of all time
Tom Brady
This country is the second largest in Asia, home to cities such as Beijing and Shanghai
This flower comes in many colors, most notably red, and symbolizes love
This restaurant is located in Chesterfield on Clarkson Road. You can get breakfast and lunch with "blank" G.
This trip was during spring break, and went to the desert of California. It was hazel's second time to the state.
Palm Springs Trip
This woman is considered to be the best female tennis player of all time
Serena Williams
America fought this country in two wars, but they are now arguably America's strongest ally.
The United Kingdom (Great Britain)
These are spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes. Their flowers are usually large, showy, and brightly coloured, generally red, orange, pink, yellow, or white.
This breakfast restaurant is located near Lafayette Square, it starts with the letter S.
This trip was during spring, we drove south towards the Shores and Dunes
Gulf Shores Spring Break
This was the first MLB team to use AstroTurf
The Houston Astros
This country's largest city is Johannesburg and is the southern-most nation in Africa
South Africa
This is a tropical plant or bush with large, brightly colored flowers. this plant is a genus of plants with member species often noted for their showy flowers.
This Clayton restaurant is know for their seafood
Oceano Bistro
This trip was to a city in the Midwest and included baseball
All Star Game Trip
This baseball player is an 11-time All-Star, three-time American League Most Valuable Player, and nine-time winner of the Silver Slugger Award. He plays for a team in California.
Mike Trout
This country's capital is Montevideo and is located between Argentina and Brazil.
Around how many sunflower seeds can each sunflower have in it?
between 1,000 and 2,000
This restaurant, that has a downtown location, is known for yummy burgers
Hi-Pointe Drive In
This trip included a beach, a lake, dunes, and no ocean
Indiana Dunes Trip 2020
This football team has won the most championships
Green Bay Packers
This country is located in Europe, specifically in the Balkans region. It lies between two small countries and has been an area of conflict