What is a nuclear family?
A family with two adults and one or more kids.
What is a pro of extended families?
You can learn from many family memebers
How many stages are in the family life cycle?
What is the definition of providing resources?
Someone has to WORK to earn MONEY for things like needs and wants.
List the four purposes of a family.
1. Proving Resources
2. Nurturing and Supporting
3. Life Skills Development
4. Maintenance and Management of the Family
What are some challenges single parent families might face?
Lack of time, lack of money, lack of support
WILD CARD: Choose a group member to stand up and state the functions of a family (including life skills sub categories), family life cycle stages (5), and three types of families.
Good Luck!
Name the stages of the family life cycle.
1. Newlyweds
2. Families with young children
3. Families with teenagers
4. Launching/Empty Nest
5. Aging Adults/Later life
Which life skill is teaching a child to act appropriately with others?
Social development - think about SOCIAL media (interacting with others)
What is moral development?
Knowing right from wrong. Doing the right thing.
What is a pro to a nuclear family?
More stability, better balance
What is a pro to a single parent family?
More time with parent
What is the third stage of the life cycle?
Families with teenagers
Give an example of nurturing and supporting.
Reading, taking care of the sick, providing love and support.
Name the five subsections of life skills development.
1. Physical Development
2. Emotional Development
3. Educational Development
4. Social Development
5. Moral Development
Who are considered part of your extended family? Name at least FOUR
Grandparent, aunt/uncle, cousin, niece/nephew
Children from age 0-6 need...
While children from age 7-12 focus on...
-positive environment, energy, attention
What do you call someone who is in the aging adult stage? (besides aging adult)
Elder or senior citizen
Give THREE examples of maintenance and management.
What term is used for a person you are related to by blood?
Why is it called a "nuclear" family?
The nucleus is the strongest part of the atom - this family represents a strong structure or foundation
What is a con of a step or blended family?
You may experience personality conflicts
What challenges might a family face during the families with teenagers stage?
Teenagers want independence, parents have to deal with kids growing up, etc.
How does sharing responsibilities benefit a family unit?
This prevents one person from becoming overwhelmed or being unable to meet their responsibilities.
Families have changed over time, but many things remain the same. What are some categories of change we looked at while watching the family dinner videos?
How they dressed, what their house looked like, how they talked, if they are the same or different from our family
Why might a couple choose to form a childless family?
Money, time, independence, personal choice
WILD CARD: Write down your group #, bet amount, and answer. You may not bet more points than you have. Exception: If you have zero points, your bet limit is 300.
How much does it cost to raise a child until 18 on average?
What are some benefits of being empty nesters?
More time and money, able to refocus on relationship, etc
What is the role of a parent in the family?
They provide for the family, the support the family emotionally, they help the family
What is a family with more than one generation living together called?
Why is communication important in a step family?
Many people involved but not always living together means that you have to communicate clearly
Why is it called "empty nest"?
Because the "baby birds" (children) have "flown the nest" (left home)
How can parents help teenagers develop independence while ensuring their safety?
Having a discussion with their teenagers, developing clear but fair rules, agreeing on a safety plan or set of rules, etc
Why is showing appreciation for each other essential in a family?
This is part of NURTURING AND SUPPORTING. By showing appreciation, we show that we care about our family members and value them. This makes them feel good and makes the family strong.
Why is it important for each family member to contribute to the family?
Each person helps the family in their own way and can help divide larger tasks