Remembered names.
Years of importance
Foolish Fools
Publications of old

This person was known for his courageous act of killing a giant with a single pebble.

Who is David?


This year spawned the start of the last days.

What is 1914?


This person challenged Jehovah, building a tower that would reach the heavens.

Who is Nimrod?


Published in 2002, this publication was the first to go in-depth on the teachings of the Bible. 

What is "What does the Bible Really Teach?"?


This person showed amazing forgiveness despite being sold by his older brothers.

Who is Joseph?


This was the year that Jesus was killed. 

What 30AD?


This person was so worthless, his very name means, "Fool or senseless"

Who is Nabal?


Published in 2007, the purpose of this book is not to give a complete summary of the life and ministry of Jesus, but to help us see more clearly how to follow him. 

What is "Come be my Follower"?


This person returned a young boy to life, after they fell from a window.

Who is Elijah?


This year, Jehovah's Witnesses purchased Stanley Theater.

What is 1983?


This person was the child of Ethbaal, a priest of the cruel, sensuous, false god Baal and met their end in a very gruesome way.

Who is Jezebel? 


Published in 2003, this book was to help learned more about the teachings of Jesus.

What is, "Learn from the Great Teacher"?


And a certain person, of the town of Thyatira, is well known for their hospitality, saying, "Be my guest."

Who is Lydia?


This year was the year the "New World Translation" was first published.

What is 1950?


To remain in power to the throne, this person killed his six younger brothers.

Who is Jehoram?


Published in 2001, this book was the staple of all Christian meetings, vital for Bible students to better learn.

What is the Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education or BE book?


This person was king of the southern kingdom when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria.

Who is Hezekiah?


This was the year the Golden Age publication was released to the public

What is 1919?


This person went on to slaughter all seventy of their brothers, all but one survived.

Who is Abimelech?


Published in 1995, this publication was made to give to the teachers of the students to help them understand about the religious choices of their student.

What is Jehovah's Witnesses and Education?